Four years later....

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Over the course of four years, many things occurred. After the previous mission, Erwin came back to the scouts. He wasn't welcomed at first due to his betrayal. He later apologized for his actions and told everyone how there was many places beyond the walls. He also described the amount of titan shifters a place called Marley had and that the war was gonna be far greater than they would have ever expected. Erwin's comeback helped the scouts figure out their next plans, but he and Hange were worried about a certain captain. Levi Ackerman. They were not sure if Levi would ever wake up, but one day a miracle happened.

     "Mph....Aki...? ...Hange...?" said Levi as he sat up. Hange ran into the infirmary as quick as she could and hugged Levi tight. Levi winced in pain and shakily hugged her back. "Hange...where's Aki? Please tell me he didn't die...." Hange let go of him and sighed. Levi's eyes widened as he began to tear up. "Wait Levi no he didn't die but he is missing and Eren is missing too... they have been gone for about 4 years now and no one has been able to find them," said Hange. As Levi tried to get off the bed, he collapsed to the ground and in the corner of his eye, he saw a letter on the edge of the table. He shakily grabbed the letter and began to read it.

Dear Levi,

    If your reading this I am happy that you are alive and awake. But you're probably wondering why I'm not by your side right now. Well Eren convinced me to leave with him to go to a place called Marley. I never wanted to leave you, but Eren promised me that I could get revenge on the man that almost killed you. I'm sorry that I'm not by your side but I promise you I am safe, and I can protect myself so please don't worry about me. I don't want you to have a panic attack because I am away. Anyways... I miss you and Henry very much and I'm thinking about you two every day that I am away. I love you very much and I can't wait to see you again my love.

Your Husband,


Levi folded the letter back up and rubbed his wedding ring. He couldn't believe that Akito left with Eren, but he knew that he needed to bring them back home. "I am going to Marley..." said Levi as he got up shakily and started to change into a clean uniform. Hange quickly stopped him and brought him back over to the bed. "First of all, you need to rest you have been in a coma for almost four years now and second of all you are not going anywhere."

Levi started to become angry as he grabbed Hange by her shirt collar. "I don't care! Aki needs me! I can't leave him alone by himself Hange! I almost lost him before me and him got married! I can't lose him again!" As Levi continued to yell at Hange, Erwin walked in and made Levi let go of her. "Levi calm down." "I am calm you idiot! Why didn't you guys stop him from leaving?! Why are you even back you traitor?!" yelled Levi as he teared up.

Erwin grabbed Levi, "First of all I'm back because I was just getting information from Zeke to help our side. I didn't mean for any of this to happen and I apologize. Second, You're not calm, and we didn't know that Akito had any intentions of leaving. Every day he would come in here and sit by the bed holding your hand as he begged for you to wake up. So, when me and many others found out about him missing, we were very surprised and spent years trying to find him and Eren."

The room became silent and Levi looked down. He hated it when he wasn't with Akito at all times because he was afraid of losing him. "I just want to be with him and make sure he is safe... Erwin, I need to go to Marley... I need to bring Aki home..." Erwin let go of Levi as he sat at a desk. "Well I'm not letting you go alone, and we need to make a plan, so we are not going to Marley unprepared." Levi sighed and nodded. He wanted Akito back more than anything and to not see him made him more worried than ever.
Months had soon gone by and Levi and many others made a plan on how to bring Eren and Akito home with few casualties. As Levi got onto the survey corps ship that was built by Hange and a few Marlian's that they captured a couple weeks prior to leaving, he was worried and hoped that Akito was still alive. "Levi he's alive, and he will come back with us so don't stress yourself out," said Erwin as he stood behind him placing his hand on Levi's shoulder.

Levi stared out the window and watched as the ship left Paradise. "I can't stop worrying about him Erwin... It's my fault that he left. If I had dodged that stupid bolder that was thrown by that stupid monkey shifter, Aki would be here right now, and I wouldn't be as worried as I am now." Erwin could tell by just looking at Levi that he was stressed and there was nothing that would make him feel less stressed until he was with Akito.

As the ship flew over Marley, Levi and the rest of the Scout Regiment flew down and saw Eren turn into his titan form. Everyone knew the plan which was to help Eren defeat the War Hammer titan and then bring him as well as Akito back to the ship. As Levi flew down onto the top of a building, he watched from afar and kept a close eye out for Akito. Erwin landed right next to him and watched the fight. "This is truly a war that I don't know if we will win..." Levi looked at Erwin and the looked back towards the battle, "I don't care if we win I just want Eren and Aki to come back with us, but I need to find Aki I just don't know where he coul-".

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