Levi's Accident

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Levi turned around and he saw Akito laying on the ground while blood began to seep through his shirt. Levi tried to run to Akito, but Erwin grabbed Levi from behind and covered his mouth. "Levi say one word and Akito will get shot again." Tears started to form in Levi's eyes as he watched his lover injured. Suddenly soldiers started running outside. Armin picked up Henry while Hange helped Akito up. "Wait... they have Levi...," Akito said in a weak voice as he stopped Hange. Hange looked up and saw Reiner, Bertholdt, the unnamed figure and Erwin. "Erwin let Levi go." Erwin shook his head no as he held a knife against Levi's throat and started backing away. "Erwin let him go," yelled Akito. Blood started to trickle down from his mouth as he looked at Erwin in anger. Levi looked at Akito as tears continued to fall down his face and mouthed. "I will be okay."

As Levi was being taken away, Erwin put Levi in a carriage and sat in front of him. It was silent. Levi looked out the window, but at the corner of his eye he could see Erwin staring. "Will you knock it off already you know I'm married," said Levi. Erwin sighed and looked out the window. "Levi, I apologize, but you have to understand why I took you away from the Survey Corps." "To have me all to yourself. I honestly never took you for the possessive type." Erwin lowered his head, "And I never took you for the one to be in a relationship with a cadet, but there's a war about to start and I can't let you help the Survey Corps side." Levi looked at Erwin confused and angry.

He didn't understand what he meant about a war. The only war they have ever fought was against the titans. "Erwin if your telling me the truth then I definitely need to help and so do you." Erwin grabbed Levi by his shirt collar. "I can't don't you understand that. I kidnapped you because your too strong for this world. We both are. We need to escape So we won't be used or worse killed."

Levi glared at Erwin. He had to help especially since he knew Akito would fight no matter what he said.  "Erwin I'm sorry, but I need to help. The Survey Corps need me. Akito needs me," said Levi as he quickly jumped out of the moving carriage. Shocked Erwin looked out the window and saw Levi on the ground and then jump onto a horse and ride towards the Survey Corps base. "Leave him we will get him on our side after the rest die," said Zeke who was the unnamed Figure as he continued to ride the carriage off town.

When Levi got back, He ran into the base's infirmary and saw Akito in extreme pain. "God dang it Hange that hurts," yelled Akito. Hange sewed up the last stitch on Akito's shoulder. "Akito you have been through worse so chill." As Akito sat up, he looked at Levi and his eyes widened. "Levi," yelled Akito. Levi smiled and ran and hugged Akito. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Are you okay how bad are you hurt where's Henry," asked Levi. Akito hugged Levi back and rubbed his back. "Hey, it's okay and Henry is with Armin and I'm fine." Levi sighed and stayed in his arms. "Akito there's a war about to start."           Akito looked puzzled and asked, "How do you know." "Erwin told me and only kidnapped me so I wouldn't die. But I need to fight. I can't let the Survey Corps do this without a strong back bone." Akito gave Levi a warm smiled and cupped his face. "Humanities strongest soldier actually cares about everyone for once." Levi glared at Akito and pushed off of him. "I always care." "Mhm sure," said Hange as she walked out.

Levi grabbed a book that was laying on a side table and threw it towards the door. Akito laughed and pulled Levi to sit next to him. "Did he mention when the war will begin," asked Akito. Levi shook his head no. He put his head in his hands. Akito could tell Levi was stressed. "Levi we will win don't worry." Levi looked up and kissed Akito, "I just don't want to lose you." "Hey what did I tell you about saying that." Levi sighed and looked at his ring. "I know, but it's hard not to think about it." Akito lifted Levi's head and kissed him back. "We will win, and you won't lose me." Levi leaned his forehead on Akito's and held his hands, "Promise?" "Promise."

After a couple days past, The Survey Corps was ready for the war to come to them. Everyone gathered in the mess hall. Hange and Levi stood in front of the soldiers. "This war will have high causalities due to us fighting against three titan shifters." The soldiers began to whisper and look at one another. "Recently we have received information on how Reiner and Bertholdt has the colossal and Armored titan. But there is another. The Beast Titan."

The soldier's faces turned pale. Levi looked at Akito. He saw that Akito showed no expression and continued to listen to Hange. After the meeting was over, the soldiers began to head outside. Levi grabbed Akito's arm and pulled him into a dark corner. "Hey, you're in Hange's squad for this. It's safer to be with her because this is a suicide mission and no talking back on this understood." Akito slightly glared at Levi but nodded his head and walked out. Levi sighed and walked out behind him. He knew that Akito would be mad, but he had no choice.

Everyone began to ride into town and looked around for any enemies. It was quiet too quiet Levi thought as he stood on top of a building. Suddenly, screams filled the air. Levi looked around and saw boulders coming towards him and the other soldiers. As he dodged the boulders, he looked out into the distance and saw the Beast titan. He couldn't believe this was all happening.

In the corner of his eye he saw Akito jumping from building to building with Hange. He was glad to him okay and safe. Suddenly he felt his body go numb. His vision started to become blurry and saw Akito being held back from Hange. Levi looked around and started screaming in agony. He saw that a boulder had hit him head on and was suck on top of him. He began trying to push it off, but with every push his strength was slowly fading away. Akito pushed off of Hange and jumped over to Levi and quickly pushed the boulder off and kneeled down to him. "Levi stay awake please I can't lose you," said Akito as he teared up. Levi grabbed his hand and kissed Akito's ring. "I love you so much Aki," said Levi as his eyes started to close.

Akito began sobbing and ran from building to building trying to get revenge on the Beast titan. "Akito stop it's not worth it," said Hange as she stopped Akito and held him in her arms. Akito continued to sob as his eyes were on the Beast titan. "He hurt Levi, Hange he deserves to die." Hange rubbed his back and sighed. "Later Akito we now need to get Levi back to base and get him help." As much as Akito wanted revenge he knew Hange was right. He walked back over to Levi and picked him. Levi's face showed so much pain. An emotion Akito has never seen on Levi and he began to sob harder as he held him close. "We will get you help baby. I promise. Just please don't die on me."

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