Together Again

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      Levi's eyes shifted quickly as he saw Akito standing on top of a building behind Eren.  The two looked at each other in shock from afar. Suddenly Levi quickly grabbed his gun and aimed it at Akito. "Levi don't!" yelled Erwin as he tried to grab Levi's gun. Levi didn't listen and shot Akito in the ribs. He quickly used his odm gear to grab Akito and go back onto the airship. Hange helped Levi and Akito onto the ship and quickly grabbed her supplies and got the bullet out of Akito and tied him up. "Levi I can watch him while you capture Zeke." Levi nodded and quickly flew back down to the ground and helped the other scouts fight the Marlian soldiers.

             Akito sat on the ship looking at the floor with a shocked expression still on his face. He couldn't believe Levi woke up and came to Marley just to shoot him in the ribs. Tears started falling down his face landing on the floor. Hange sat in front of Akito and sighed. "He was scared when he woke up... he thought you died the day Zeke almost killed him..." Akito began to cry and looked at Hange. "I shouldn't have left... being here has been a nightmare. For four years Hange I was terrified that Levi would never wake up... I fell into a deep depression and would have night terrors every single day. When....When did he wake up?"  "About a month or so ago... He was going to come here to Marley sooner, but me and Erwin stopped him because he wasn't strong enough to fight alone," said Hange. Akito looked down and soon stopped crying. He was happy his husband was awake, but he knew that a storm would arise between himself and Levi.

     After a couple hours, everyone gathered back on the airship and while Erwin and Hange interrogated Zeke and Eren, Levi grabbed Akito by the back of his shirt. He then dragged Akito into a room and threw him on the ground. "I hate you, you stupid brat! Not only did you leave to go get revenge on Zeke for severely hurting me you left the scouts and you left Henry!" Akito got up and pinned Levi to the wall," Do you know how hard it was for me to leave you and Henry?! Huh?! You don't! I sat by your bed for many days begging for you to wake up! I hardly ever slept, and I would sob for hours begging and begging! I don't hate you Levi everything I have done was to protect you and Henry!"

              Levi glared at Akito and started kicking Akito to make him let go, but Akito roughly kissed Levi to try to make him stop. Akito's efforts failed as Levi wasn't having it and pushed Akito off of him and wiped his mouth. Akito sighed and looked at Levi's ring finger not seeing his wedding ring and teared up. "So... You don't love me anymore..." Confused Levi looked at his ring finger and sighed. He pulled a necklace out that was tucked under his uniform. "I put it on this necklace so I wouldn't lose it idiot..."

             Akito grabbed the necklace from Levi's neck and took the ring off of it. He got to one knee and put it back on Levi's ring finger and kissed it. Levi rolled his eyes and sighed. He felt bad for yelling at his husband, but the anger mostly came from how badly he missed him. As Akito stood up he pulled Levi close and held his hand. Levi leaned on Akito's chest. Akito went over to a small radio that was from Marley and turned on a song and started slow dancing with Levi.

The two danced for hours and just enjoyed being in each other's arms knowing they were both safe and together. "So... do you have any idea of how this war will end Aki?" "Shh. I don't want to talk about that right now Levi I just want us to enjoy this time we are spending together," whispered Akito as he kissed Levi's cheek. Levi smiled a little and closed his eyes. They both didn't know what would happen next, but for now they didn't want to leave each other's side.

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