Gone but Never Forgotten

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Citizens and many soldiers continued to celebrate knowing that the titans would no longer threaten their existence. Some soldiers on the other hand mourned the death of their fellow comrades. "Levi I think it's time to let him go...," said Erwin as he placed a hand on Levi's shoulder. Levi turned and slightly nodded. He walked over to a wagon, placed Akito's body down, and got in. As the soldiers rode to the base, all Levi could do is look at his lover while tears filled his eyes. The group started to ride through a forest and passed the cabin where Levi and Akito were staying along with their son. "You guys can stop here I will meet you back at the base." Erwin rode his horse over to the wagon. "Levi we will give him a proper goodbye if you would like." Levi looked at Akito then back at Erwin and nodded as he got out of the wagon. The soldiers started to ride off and Levi watched as they took Akito away with them.

"Daddy," yelled Henry as he ran to Levi and hugged his legs. Levi looked down and picked him up. "Hey, bud... we are going to go back to the base so we have to go and pack." Henry looked around and then back at Levi. "Where's dad," he asked. Levi looked down and walked inside the cabin. "I will tell you on the ride back." Henry nodded and jumped down and sat on the couch. Levi sighed and walked into the bedroom where he and Akito were staying in. Tears filled his eyes as memories with him and Akito began to fill his mind. He walked over to a drawer and saw the cape as well as a letter. "This must have been what he was writing before we left." As he sat on the edge of the bed he began reading the letter.

Dear Levi,

God, I hate writing these types of letters but I know this will sadly be my last one. If you are reading this, that means I didn't make it through the battle and I am truly sorry. I don't want you to feel sad because I promise you that you will make it through life without me. I knew that Eren was going to start a battle from the day you were injured and in a coma. If I told you sooner, you would and Henry would be dead and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it. I hope that you will find happiness without me because although I am gone, I love seeing you smile and that will always fill my heart with joy. I will always love you, Levi Ackerman.

Sincerely your husband,


The letter dropped onto the floor and Levi began to cry. He grabbed the cape that sat next to him and held it close. Reading that letter filled Levi with more pain than he has ever felt. He has lost many people in the past. Friends, Family, and fellow comrades . But he has never lost someone that filled him with something that truly made him a better person.

After a while, he slowly stopped crying and began packing his clothes and supplies into the duffle bags. He walked out to the living room and picked Henry up and went outside. "Daddy," Henry asked hesitantly. Levi set him on the horse and got on. "Yes, bud?" "Is dad gone?" Levi nodded and began riding out of the woods and toward the base. "Daddy?" "Hm?" "I miss Dad," Henry said as he leaned on Levi's chest. Levi sighed and rubbed his back. 'I miss him too, but I know he is okay and not in pain." Henry looked up at him and noticed a tear started to fall from Levi's face, so he gently put his hand on Levi's face and wiped it away. "Dad wouldn't want you to be sad. He wants you to be happy." Levi looked down at Henry and kissed the top of his head. "How did we end up with a kind yet bratty little boy like you." Henry pouted and crossed his arms. "I'm not a brat!" Levi chuckled and held him close. Henry continued to pout but leaned on him. 

    As they rode toward a hill they could see the base in the distance, but Levi saw something else. Akito stood standing on the hill, against the tree. "Hey, bud why don't you go inside and go read some stories with Armin, "Levi asked as he looked confused and in disbelief.  Henry quickly jumped off the horse and ran inside the base as fast as he could. Levi got off the horse and continued to look at Akito as he walked up the hill in disbelief. He began running and before long he reached Akito and hugged him. "Hi Levi...," Akito said as he hugged his lover back. "It...It's you, your-" Levi looked down and noticed that he wasn't holding anything. "You're not back like last time are you?" Akito cupped his cheek. "Not this time, but I wanted to visit you before I couldn't see you again." Levi leaned against Akito's hand and teared up. "I wish I could have saved you, but I know you will be in a happier place where you won't feel anymore pain." Akito smiled and leaned his forehead against Levi's. "I know my love, but if you did save me we would have been in opposite places." Levi began to tear up more and Akito frowned. "You will be okay Levi I promise." "How do you know that," Levi asked as his voice cracked. "Because you are a strong person who has made it through so many obstacles in life and has overcome them all." "But I was able to make it because of you." "I know, but I will always be here." Akito pointed to Levi's head and then to his heart. "So I know you will continue to overcome so many battles no matter what." Levi smiled and put his arms around Akito and looked up at him. "Thank you for everything Aki and although I look at the ghost of you with a heavy heart, I will never forget how you pulled me out of the darkness and showed me what it's like to live in the light. For that, I am forever grateful. You will always be in my heart and I love you so much, you stupid brat."

The End

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