Unwanted Love

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As Levi walked up the stairs, he grabbed the duffel bag that he hid and got into a carriage. When he got in he suddenly stopped as he saw Akito sitting inside next to Hange. "Just get in..," scoffed Akito as he looked out the window. Levi sat across from Akito, but Hange moved over and made Levi sit next to Akito. "Hange," yelled Levi. Hange giggled and told the horseman to ride off. Silence filled the carriage all the way to the base. The two would exchange quick looks from time to time, but no words were said. As they arrived at the base, Akito quickly got out and walked into the base. "Levi wait," said Hange as she put her hand on Levi's shoulder. Levi looked at Hange then out towards Akito. "I can't loose him four eyes, but I want to protect him and he never understands that." Hange sighed, "I know, but this is his job and maybe two weeks apart will be good for both of you." Levi looked back at Hange then walked into the base.

While Levi walked to his room he heard shuffling of drawers. He walked in and saw Akito then sat at his desk and worked on paperwork. "You know I wouldn't be leaving if you weren't so over protective," said Akito. Levi squeezed the pen in his hand and didn't say a word. "I don't even know why we are dating. We would never get married because you aren't someone who I could see spending my whole life with,"said Akito as he finished packing, but suddenly was pushed against the wall. Levi looked up at him in anger as he held Akito's hands against the wall. Akito growled and tried to get free, but Levi held his hands even tighter. "I can't loose you Aki," yelled Levi. "You aren't going to loose me you idiot, You have to trust me," Akito yelled back. "I can't." "Levi I swear if you can't then I will walk out this door and never come back,"warned Akito. Levi's eyes flooded with tears as he let Akito's hands go and walked back over to his desk. Akito looked at Levi and tried to slap him, but was stopped. "Leave Akito," demanded Erwin as he held Akito's hand away from Levi. Akito quickly grabbed his bag and walked out closing the door behind him.

Levi looked up at Erwin then back at his work as tears fell onto the paper. "Levi, are you alright," asked Erwin as he got on one knee concerned. Levi quickly hugged Erwin and began to cry. "I can't. I can't loose him." Erwin picked up Levi and laid him down on a couch that was sitting across from the desk. "You don't deserve him Levi. He's a bad person for almost hitting and yelling at you almost everyday." Levi wipped his tears and tried to sit up, but was pushed back. Confused he looked up at saw Erwin almost centimeters away from his face. "Erwin I-." Erwin cupped Levi's face with his hand. "I wish I would have never let Akito join he's wasn't a good cadet let alone a good boyfriend for you." Levi looked up at Erwin, "Erwin please I understand but I love-." Erwin cut Levi off and got even closer to his face. "Sh.. Just let me kiss you Levi." Levi's eyes widened and tried to push him away, but it was too late. Erwin kissed Levi.

Suddenly, Akito walked in and looked around for Levi then froze. "You bastard first you hold me against the wall telling me that you don't want me to leave and now you're kissing the Erwin," Akito yelled in anger as he looked at Levi and Erwin. Levi quickly pushed Erwin off and looked at Akito. "Aki please let me explain." Akito put his hand up to silence Levi and walked out. Before Levi could run after him, Erwin grabbed Levi by his arm, "Don't Levi you will just hurt yourself if you try to convince him to stay any longer."Levi refused and pulled his arm away and ran out. So many things were going on in Levi's head. How could Erwin kiss him? How long has he had feelings for him? Where's Akito?

    As Levi ran outside, he saw Akito walking to the horse stables. "WAIT AKI," Levi yelled. Akito stopped and looked at Levi. He felt like a sword pierced through his heart as he looked at Levi with sadness. "Answer me this. Do you truly love me or were you just faking it," asked Akito with pain in his voice. Levi looked at Akito as tears filled his eyes, "I would never fake loving you. You mean the world to me Aki and when you said you couldn't see yourself spending a lifetime with me it felt like you stabbed me with my own sword." "Well I felt like you stabbed me too," said Akito. "Erwin kissed me and I tried to push him off, but he's stronger than me so I just laid there I promise you I never kissed him back," Levi said as tears continued to fill his eyes. Akito walked over to Levi and looked down at him then pushed his chin up. "Are you telling me the truth?" Levi nodded. As Akito sighed, he knew that Levi was telling the truth and pulled Levi close. The two stood in silence for awhile as they processed everything that had happened. "I will never be enough for you and I think you should go and find someone else," said Levi. "Levi don't say that and I'm not leaving because now I can actually protect you from something." Levi looked at Akito confused. "I need to protect you from Erwin making sure he won't take my shorty away from me." Levi laughed and a small smile appeared on his face. "You haven't called me that in a long time." Akito smiled and kissed Levi,"I will call you it more from now on." Levi's face turned a slight pink color and nuzzled his face into Akito's chest. The two exchanged laughs and felt glad to be in each others arms and happy again.

The two walked back inside and saw Erwin. "Levi I'm gonna go talk to Erwin alone," said Akito. "But-." "But nothing I need to talk to him besides after we can cuddle." Levi sighed and kissed Akito before he walked away. Akito and Erwin exchanged glares from down the hall. Erwin then walked back into Levi's room and Akito followed shortly after. "Why did you come back," asked Erwin. "Why did you kiss my boyfriend," Akito asked back. Erwin chuckled and turned towards Akito, "Did you know I saved Levi?" Akito shook his head no. "Well I did. Him and I had a very close relationship to the point where I almost asked him out, but then you joined and he fell completely in love fo you." Akito sighed," Erwin listen I never meant for Levi and me to date my intentions were to just tease him. Then one thing led to another and now we are dating, but that still doesn't give you the right to kiss Levi." Erwin looked at Akito in defeat and started to walk out and stopped, "Just promise me that you will make Levi happier then he has ever been and if you decide to marry I will be happy for the both of you." Akito nodded and sat on the couch as he watched Erwin leave.

    After a few minutes, Akito heard the sound of footsteps. "Levi I know you were listening,"said Akito as his eyes were towards the ground. As Levi sighed, he looked over at Akito and sat next to him. "You okay,"asked Levi. Akito nodded. Levi laid his head down on Akito's lap and stared up at him. He noticed that Akito was still intensely looking at the ground and gave no attention to him. "Aki tell me the truth." Akito looked down at Levi and played with his hair, "I don't want to talk about it right." Levi sighed and cuddled his body into Akito as he enjoyed the feeling. "Aki I'm sorry for all the trouble I have caused you since you have joined." No words came from Akito. Levi sighed and closed his eyes as he drifted off to sleep. Akito still sat awake, but tears started to form in his eyes as he stared down at Levi. "Your my world to Levi," Akito whispered as he gently kissed Levi's forehead.

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