Chapter 19

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"Himawari (Sunflower)"

"Naruto, can you look after Boruto for a while? I'll just prepare our dinner?" Hinata asked her husband.

"Sure leave him to me." Naruto moved closer to the young boy who was playing with his toys.

Naruto sat down beside him and watched him play. Boruto stopped playing upon noticing his dad sitting beside him. He looked up and saw his dad grinning at him.

"Boruto..." Naruto muttered and tickled him. Boruto burst out laughing and suddenly gone lying on the floor while his dad kept on tickling him.

"Dad, stop!" he begged. His cute voice wanted him to tease him even more. Boruto was still so young. Naruto stopped from tickling Boruto and let him sat on his lap.

"Boruto, I'll be off to work tomorrow with uncle Sai. Don't be silly, okay?"Naruto told him.

"I am looking forward to playing with you tomorrow, but..." he said while pouting.

"I will play with you when I'm back. Take care of mom until I get back, understood?" he told his cute son. Boruto nodded and gave his dad his sweetest smile. Naruto tapped his head.

"We can play right now though," Naruto said and Boruto's face lightened.

"Really?" he wanted to confirm it. Naruto nodded.

Boruto gathered all his scattered toys and brought them closer to Naruto and they played together.

"Dinner is ready!" Hinata yelled from the dining room.

"Come on Boruto. Mom will be mad if we don't come right away." Naruto said and carried Boruto on his back.

"Alright dad, make me fly!" Boruto shouted then chuckled. He looked so innocent.

"Alright, hold on tight," Naruto said and rushed towards the dining table where Hinata was waiting for them.

They enjoyed their meal together. Hinata and Naruto were laughing at Boruto's silly actions.

"I'm going now Boruto. Don't forget what I told you last night, okay?" Naruto reminded him and he nodded as an answer. He waved goodbye to his dad and saw him off.

He looked up to his mom and spoke.

"Is dad going to be fine?" Boruto was waiting for Hinata's answer.

"Of course, dad is so strong." She answered and smiled at him.

Boruto stared at her for seconds and then painted a serious look on his face. Hinata got confused.

"I want to be as strong as him when I grow up." He declared. Hinata was surprised. She could not believe Boruto would say those at his young age, but she could not help herself but smile.

"Dad will be very proud if you will become someone as strong as him," Hinata said staring at her son.

"You are still a kid and all you can do for now is play and help mom in doing the chores," Hinata said. Boruto responded by nodding his head.

"Boruto we are going to the supermarket. I want dad to have his favorite dish when he gets back." Hinata said. Boruto agreed while he was putting his toys inside the box.

Hinata prepared his clothes. She grabbed the basket as soon as they were ready to go off. They were walking in the village's streets. Boruto was amazed by what he was seeing. He was gazing at the stores they passed by. He always got his innocent look. They stopped at the sweets store. Hinata bought him a lollipop.

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