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This week will be entitled as "Song Angst Week" (yep by me), I will post Angst for a week with its inspiration from the chosen songs :)

Since I have posted an Angst with Ushijima, I will continue on the angst :)

Also! I will start using They/Them Pronouns so it will be open for all to read <3

Song Inspired from; Naked by James Arthur



"Y/N can you just tell me why you keep pushing me away?" He asked, his face was soft yet his eyes was in flames. Kageyama wants this angry before.

Y/N looked at Kageyama with hooded eyes, "Just leave me alone for a second!" they exclaimed. They rolled their eyes and their attention went back to their phone.

Kageyama sighed at their remarks, running his fingers through his hair. "Look, I don't know what I did wrong, but can you just please, tell me?" he asked once again, hoping that they would finally answer him.

Ever since they moved in together, everything seemed to fallen down, Y/N seem uninterested in anything that they do together. They got bored easily and whine about it.

Y/N wasn't like that before. They weren't. Unless, they changed. Kageyama wants to fix this before their relationship goes deeper to the rabbit hole. Kageyama loves Y/N so much, he doesn't want to let her go.

Y/N has so many secrets that Kageyama doesn't know about, they constantly check their phone every minute, seems anxious even leaving it to an open place for a second. They act like they don't trust Kageyama.


that's a big word.

Y/N sighed, closing their eyes. "Look, Kageyama, I'm not in the mood to talk, lets just talk about it tomorrow, okay?"

Kageyama looked at them with disbelief, and chuckled. "No, we have to talk about it right now. Please, Im desperate to fix this!"

"Fine," they said, crossing their arms at their chest, "what do you want?"

"Did I do something wrong?" Kageyama sniffed. He doesn't know how relationships work, Y/N is his first ever girlfriend/boyfriend. He felt that talking about what their problem will probably make their relationship strong, but Y/N wasn't interested about it and that's why he wants to know.

"What do you mean?" they cleared their throat, sitting comfortably on the couch.

"You seem.... Uninterested." He replied, looking directly into their eyes. He desperately wants to know. He loves Y/N so damn much he doesn't want to let them go.

Y/N is like a drug to him, every time he sees them, he gets addicted. To their scent, to their voice, to their everything. There's just something about them that Kageyama wants to know more.

They chuckled, "Uninterested?"

Kageyama nodded, fiddling his fingers. "Yeah, you get bored alot, you get tired easily, you don't want to do anything with me, it's like you're building a fourth wall between us."

Eyebrow arched. There was an awkward silence between them right after, making them uncomfortable with it. They looked down to the floor, can't even make a direct eye contact with Kageyama.

Kageyama closed his eyes before leaving a sigh out, he doesn't really know how to do things like this. He doesn't know how to confront people, he wasn't that awkward person you see in every party. Y/N knew that he's very awkward.

Y/N knew Kageyama isn't that social to everyone, they knew he's very awkward in times like this. They knew he can't talk to people with a topic like this. He gets anxious about it.

"Well....." Y/N paused.

"Well what?"

"It's just... I don't even know." they sighed, feeling disappointed to themself, they don't even know why they are doing this. They can't read their own feelings or thoughts, they don't know why.

"There's just something, I feel like it's missing in our relationship," they added "it's unavoidable. Atleast, to me."

Kageyama nodded, his tounge poking on his cheek. He doesn't understand them. He can't read them properly. Y/N isn't an open book that is easy to read. They're a really closed shut book that not everyone can open it. They keep their secrets well hidden, also their feelings.

"I tried everything, Y/N. I tried" He stated, rubbing his hand on his face with disappointment on his shoulder. "I really tried, making this relationship work."

"I understand you, even though sometimes I can't, I was your shoulder to cry on when you felt you were alone, I was your pillow to cuddle, I was there for you in times you needed someone. I took care of you, I love you so damn much that I did anything, even those impossible things, just for you to be happy. Yet, you built a fourth wall between us. What's wrong?"

Y/N looked away for a second, biting their lower lip. They couldn't answer Kageyama after speaking up. They were surprised that he finally let out his feelings to them. Kageyama wasn't that open to them either.

None of them were open to each other.

"Y/N, please, tell me," Kageyama spoke, "Did I do something wrong that made you feel like this?"

"I-I'm sorry, Kageyama." They apologised, reaching out for his hand and held it tightly. Tears poured down from their eyes, she sniffed. "I-I'm sorry that you were feeling like this."

"Im sorry that you were there for me, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry for everything." They added, wiping their tears.

"I'm trying my hardest, all the time, it's too hard" Kageyama uttered, "I tried everything to make you happy."

"I know, Kageyama, I know" They sobbed, "I don't even know why the hell I was pushing you away from me."

Kageyama pulled them close, giving them a hug, a warm and comfortable hug. "Hush now, babe. I forgave you, but please, just don't do that again, okay?"

They nodded, snuggling their head on the crook of his neck, wrapping their arms around his torso. The position was kind of awkward but they seem comfortable with each others arms wrapped on their bodies, sharing warmth to each other.

"I don't deserve to be loved," They pulled out from his body "but you gave me the reason why I should be loved."

Kageyama smiled and gave them a kiss on their forehead, he felt relieved and relaxed that they finally shared their feelings to him, he wasn't proud of them.

"You're okay, just dont forget that I love you"

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