𝐊 𝐄 𝐈 𝐉 𝐈 • 𝐀 𝐊 𝐀 𝐀 𝐒 𝐇 𝐈

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(I recommend to play the audio above for better reading ;))

"Come on, Y/N! Lets go the club!" BF/N whined as she tried to convince her best friend, Y/N going out. Its been a while since the two of them went to a club, since the last visit was horrible. It is also Y/N's birthday, so she thought she will treat her.

Y/N groaned as looking at the dresses, "too short, too long, too tight" Y/N thought whilst crossing her arms. "Dont you have other dresses? These look bad on me" She replied, raising her eyebrows to BF/N. Her best friend squealed in excitement, since Y/N agreed on going to a club.

She then quickly went to her closet to find a dress. Her closet was neatly arranged and in order, so it wasn't a pain to find a dress that Y/N would wear. As she was finding the dress, Y/N looked bored. She grabbed her phone and scrolled down through Instagram. Might finding cute boys to flirt with.

As you see, Y/N is a big flirt, she flirts with random men in her DMs, every single day. Surely some of those men fell inlove with her, but she just ghost them. That's why she titled as the 'Playgirl' in the college. But men doesn't care, since Y/N is a hottie.

"Ahh! I found it!" BF/N exclaimed as she went out of the closet with the dress on her hand. Y/N shot up her head towards the tall female, eyes twinkling from delight.

Y/N quickly grabbed the dress from excitement and went to the washroom. Thankfully her washroom is huge so she can trash anywhere. Taking off her shirt and shorts, and washed her face.

Few minutes later, she quickly wore the dress. It looks good on her. It's showing off her curves, her chest area and her ass. It is quiet showy but she don't care less. Since she isn't the type of girl that wears alot of make up, her make up was done in a short time.

She went out of the washroom, and threw her phone to BF/N. "Quickly, take a picture" She said with a demanding tone. BF/N shot her eyes on her, squeaked again, "Okay okay pose!" She answered as she got the camera ready.

Y/N posed infront of the camera, and BF/N took a picture. She smiled in amusement and delight, didn't think that this dress will be perfect of her. She opened up her Instagram to post the picture. Putting a small edit before posting

Y/N put down her phone as she and BF/N went out from her house, getting inside
BF/N's car since Y/N couldn't drive when she's drunk. "Alright, lets go~" Y/N cooed as she fasten her seat belt. BF/N nodded and started the car, going to the club.

After 30 minutes of driving, the females arrived at the club. Loud musics were banging outside, excitement filled in their souls. They both quickly went out of the car with their belongings, and went inside the club.

As they went in, alcohol lingered to their nose, drunk people dancing with random strangers on the dance floor, it is a party. "We should get drinks, Y/N" BF/N screamed on top of her lungs, music was too loud that they couldnt hear a thing from each other. Y/N nodded and went to the bar, sitting down beside each other.

"Two tequilas please." Y/N ordered, as she sits comfortably. Her and BF/N chatted for a while, moments later BF/N saw a man behind Y/N, looking at her bare back. She smirked as she whispered to Y/N.

"Someone is looking at you, hmm~" BF/N giggled at her own words, picking up her glass of tequila. Y/N raised her eyebrow, confused of what she just said. As she turned around, a hot looking man was standing behind her, just inches away, with a sly smirk pasted on his lips.

She felt hot just looking at him, a blush crept onto her cheeks. She haven't feel like this since Highschool, and her being inlove was quite a shock. She walked towards him a smirk on her lips. The male bit his lip, as he holds his cocktail.

"Hey there~" Y/N said with a teasing tone, her smirk still on her lips. The male then grabbed her hand, kissed it. "Keiji Akaashi, pleasure to Meet you" He said with a charming tone. Oh boy she want to make out with him.

He looks too damn hot that Y/N couldn't control her hormones. He wore a plain white long sleeves but enough to show his biceps, and tight black pants that showing off his long and masculine legs.

"L/N Y/N, pleasure is mine" She replied, sweetly smiling at him whilst brushing off her hair to her back. Akaashi smiled at her and offered a seat. Y/N sat infront of her while Akaashi sat in his. Both left hands occupied with their glasses, and right hands still intertwined, Akaashi does not want to let go of her soft hand.

"Soo, what brings you here?" He said, whilst drinking his cocktail sideways. His jawline was too damn perfect for Y/N's eyes, ahh he was too hot and percent. How come this man exist? "My best friend dragged me here, its because its my birthday today" Y/N chuckled at her last words, Akaashi nodded his head, before smiling. "Well then, happy birthday"

"Hm, thank you, Akaashi san" Y/N replied. Both of their drinks were now making them drunk. Hiccups here, hiccups there. Akaashi and Y/N still talking, but in gibberish.

"O-oi, Y/N san? Wanna d-dance?" Akaashi asked as he gets up from his seat. Offering his hand for Y/N to hold. She then gladly accepted as Akaashi pushed themselves to the crowd of drunk people.

Play the song now ;)

The Song played, changing the mood. It was now hot and sexual tension rose up. Drunk people still dancing, some of them grinding on the strangers areas. Akaashi and Y/N danced, accidentally touching Akaashi's area, making him groan. Y/N smirked and continues to grind on him. Her BF/N already left with Akaashi's friend Named Bokuto, you know what happens next with those two.

Y/N grind her ass on Akaashi, teasing him slowly. Akaashi continues to groan from the pleasure, the pleasure he havent felt from his past girlfriends. It was a new pleasure for him, making him excited.

"If you continue grinding on me, I'll punish you later on" Akaashi whispered, with a teasing tone. Y/N smirked, and continues to grind on him. A throaty moan escaped Akaashi's mouth. Y/N grinned on excitement. Her plan worked. As she continues to grind, Akaashi then grabbed her wrists, grabbing her out of the crowd.

He took her and himself to a private room That Akaashi rented. He always rent a room whenever he comes to a club, because he is either too drunk to drive or his teammates are too drunk and heavy. Akaashi locked the door behind him, pushing Y/N to the bed.

"Didn't I told you not to fucking tease me?" Akaashi whispered while choking her, Y/N gagged, trying to breath for air. He then attacked her soft neck, sucking and putting hickies. Moans left Y/N plump lips, making Akaashi smirk.

"You want me to continue, dont you?" He ask with a seductive tone, Y/N bit her lips, making it bleed. She nodded and attacked his lips, Akaashi was surprised with her sudden moves, but didn't mind.

He pushed his tounge inside her mouth, fighting for dominance, as he is massaging her breasts from her clothes. Ripping the dress and his white shirt off, Y/N was left with her underwear whilst akaashi still have his pants on.

He still attacked her lips while groping onto her left breast, while the other hand is pinching it. Moans where muffled as Akaashi still hungrily kissed her lips.

"Lets get this done, shall we?"


Word Count: 1441

Thank you soo much for 100+ Reads! I am really glad that you guys like my Imagines! I will improve every day so you will enjoy it more, thank you so much for reading!

𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒘𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑪𝒊𝒈𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒔 HAIKYUU!xREADER {EDITING} Where stories live. Discover now