4: Disbelief

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"Hey, mind if I sit here?"
Gally looks up at you and then eagerly moves over. "Sure, Greenie." Him and the other builders laugh jokingly. You just roll your eyes and sit down.

"Remember that name of yours yet?" One of the boys named Kevin asked.

"No, nothing yet." You sighed and picked at your sandwich as the boys chatted away. You weren't too hungry since you'd been snacking with Frypan throughout the day.

The builders table slowly cleared, leaving just you and Gally alone. You two sat together in a peaceful silence until Gally cleared his throat to get your attention.

"Hey, um, random question, but does the name Y/N sound familiar to you?" There was a slight tremble in his voice.

You begin to think to yourself.
Y/N? Y/N. Wait, is that my name? Oh my god it is, it is! Finally.

But, how the hell did Gally know that?

Your eyes widened, and you took a deep breath. "I- yeah I do know that name, it's my name Gally."

Gally got up insanely fast, making you jump.

"I knew it. I knew it had to be you! Come with me, I have to tell you something. Just promise not to get weirded out or anything, and don't tell any of the other shanks. Wouldn't want to ruin my reputation."

Gally grabbed your arm and quickly pulled you into a small hut, most likely belonging to him.

There will be a second part to this chapter! Sorry about the kinda cliff hanger?¿

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