11: Starry Skies

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You began walking out of the forest ignoring the other builders taunts. You shook your head and laughed to yourself.

You look out towards The Glade to see Minho coming straight for you. Great.

"What do you want?"

Minho didn't answer. He just grabbed your arm and pulled you further out of the forest.

"Minho what are y-"
He covered your mouth with his hand.

"Sh. Clamp it. I don't want Gally hearing you and kicking my shucking ass. I just want to talk, okay?"

He removed his hand, and you whispered to him as you two emerged from the forest and headed towards the Homestead.

"What's this about?"

"I wanted to apologize. About how I ran my shuck mouth the other day. I just, you're the first girl I've ever seen like that, in that way, well that I can remember anyway. I'm sure girls were all over this before I got thrown in here." He motioned up and down his body and smirked.

You had to hold in a laugh.
"Oh yeah, I'm sure you had a hundred girlfriends before all of this Minho." You replied sarcastically.

"But seriously. I am sorry. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, just let me know." He gave you a warm smile.

"It's fine. I'm sorry for lashing out on you, you weren't really saying anything bad I guess." You returned the smile.

"Good that." Minho suddenly wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug.

He pulled away. "See ya around, Greenie."

"When will everyone stop calling me that?!" You called as he walked away.

"Gotta wait for the next Greenie to come up in the box, sorry babe!"
Babe. You shook your head, that boy had no shame.

You decided to start off towards the kitchen.

"Frypan. Can you please give me something, anything to do around here. I'm going crazy."

Frypan laughed.
"I thought you already had Gally."

You smirked.
"Damn. I have to give you props for that one."

"Hey you set yourself up for it. C'mon you can clean the rest of these dishes. I'm going to hit the showers before all the hot water runs out."

You eagerly took the job. It wasn't the best of fun, but at least it kept your mind off things.

You finished the last dish about an hour later and then got yourself a glass of water. You sat at the small table situated in the middle of the kitchen and sat down.

You didn't realize how tired you were until Gally came in and woke you up. You fell asleep with you head on the table, and now your neck was completely stiff.

You lifted your head groggily.
"What time is it?" You yawned.

"It's pretty late. You missed dinner. Don't worry I ate your food for you." He laughed mockingly.

"Gally you shank, couldn't have woken me up before dinner?"

"Sorry. I was shucking hungry. But come with me, I have something to make it up to you." He grabbed your arm and pulled you out of the chair, you were about to stand up but Gally lifted you up bridal style and kicked open the back door.

You looked up at him. The setting sun hit his face perfectly. His eyes glowed. You were memorized by him. If you loved him this much now within the short time you'd be in The Glade, you couldn't imagine how much you'd loved him back then.

"Can I help you with something?" Gally smirked looking down at you now.

"Mm nope. Everything's just fine." You tapped his nose with your index finger.

He placed you down at the base of the Watch Tower's ladder.

"What are we doing here?"

"It's a surprise. Just hurry up there, it's getting dark and I don't wanna shucking trip."

You laughed and climbed the ladder quickly, you couldn't contain your excitement.

You get to the top and there's fluffy pillows and blankets lined up, along with the dinner you missed and some of the drinks Gally always made.

You smiled, Gally was perfect.

"What about your tough guy reputation?" You mimicked in his voice.

He scoffed.
"I could still beat the klunk out of any shank here, my reps well in tact."

You sat down and began to eat, Gally situated himself beside you.

You finished pretty fast, you were happy Gally hadn't actually eaten your food, you realized you were a lot hungrier than you originally thought.

Gally laid down and rested his head on one of the pillows. You snuggled up next to him and laid you head on his chest. His heartbeat and steady breathing was all you could hear, but it was achingly perfect.

Gally broke the silence.
"We used to do this a lot. I'm pretty sure I had a truck or something we'd lay in the back of and just stare up at the sky. I never really liked it much at first. But it made you happy, and it ended up kinda growing on me."

You smiled uncontrollably. "I really like this, thank you, for everything."

You rolled over so that you now laid on top of Gally, you two were face to face.
You leaned down and kissed him, and he kissed back, sliding his hand up behind your shirt, he rubbed small circles around your back.

You pulled away after a few moments.
"I wish I remembered everything. I want to be able to actually talk to you about what we had."

"If I could make you remember I would baby. But memories or not, I still love love you."

You giggled cheekily.
"I love you too."

You leaned back onto Gally's chest and he started playing with your hair.

You stared up into the night sky. It was gorgeous. You couldn't take your eyes off of it. Gally's fingers slowly stopped entangling themselves within your hair, and he drifted off to sleep, and you followed instantly.

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