1: Confusion

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You're gasping for air. Your hair is wet, clinging to your greasy face.

"What the hell is going on?" You repeat over and over again in your head. Why can't you remember anything?

You stare in disbelief at the metal cage holding you hostage. Racing upwards for what seems to be forever, but then all at once. Boom.

You're flung backwards right into a giant barrel labeled WICKED. You can tell your head will feel it later, but for now you shake it off. The cage comes to a halting stop, and loud buzzers sound accompanied by flashing green and red lights.

You can see through the metal doors at the top now. They expose a gorgeous, starry sky. Normally you'd be fascinated by something like this, but this was not a time to gawk at the stars.

You push open the doors on the roof of the box, amazed at how easy it is, and slowly climb your way up, emerging into an unexplainable place.

You take in your surroundings carefully. The place itself looks completely normal, minus the giant walls encompassing it. Small huts are lined up, and one in particular has a numerous amount of hammocks, each occupied by a different boy.

You started thinking about how strange this all is but your thoughts are cut off sharply.

Someone grabs your arm and spins you around. You don't even have enough time to scream before a large hand covers your mouth.

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