10: Curiousity

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You found a shirt with a raised collar in Teresa's hut and then put a bandage over the rest of your neck to cover the purple mark.

Then you headed off to the kitchen, ironically none of the boys hassled you about why your neck was covered. Maybe they just used to Teresa and Thomas' antics.

You got to the kitchen, just for Frypan to say he'd already finished. Well, your job had to be the easiest one to ever exist.

You didn't know what to do, so you just wandered around. You opened your ears, listening to the commotion throughout The Glade. You began hearing Newt, Minho, and Thomas. Why were the runners back already?

"I don't know Newt, this weird, futuristic panel showed up. Had a glowing green hand on it. I put my hand over it and it scanned it and buzzed saying 'rejected, incorrect subject' like am I not good enough for the shuck machine?" Minho sneered.

"Was it labeled or anything?" Newt questioned. What the hell were they talking about?

"Oh yeah it was! It said, A17, whatever that means." Thomas replied.

A17. The dream. Did this have something to do with you?

You didn't know whether or not to interject into the conversation, you weren't too fond of Minho at the moment, and what if they thought you were crazy?

What if you went to go check it out yourself. No. No, that'd be stupid. But, the runners were in The Glade, they were too busy talking to notice if you snuck off. Maybe you finding this panel would help them.

You didn't know what to do. You headed over to the East wall, closest to the forest, the trees would disguise you.

You got right up to the maze doors, the closest you'd ever been. You peaked your head it, it was huge. You took a step closer, thinking about actually going in.

Then someone grabbed you from behind and pulled you back, you screamed.

"Y/N? What the hell are you doing?!"
It was Gally.

"Jesus Gally, you scared the shit out of me!" You squeaked. You leaned over, hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath.

"Sorry Y/N. I was just grabbing some wood and I saw you getting close to the opening and I just, panicked. Its dangerous out there just please, don't go in there."

"I wasn't going to go in. I was just looking that's all." You crossed your arms in front of your chest.

Gally shook his head and scuffed.
"Promise me you won't go in there, ever. I'm not losing you. Not again."

You blushed. Why did the shank always know what to say? "Fine, I promise. But only because it's you."

Gally pulled you in and kissed your forehead.

"OOH CAPTAINS GOT A FIRST MATE I SEE." Sean, one of the builders mocked.

"Oh slim it slinthead! Get back to work!" Gally barked back.

"I'll leave you to your work then." You laughed.

You gave Gally and quick peck on the lips and headed back to the kitchen, maybe you could convince Frypan to give you something to do to cure your boredom. But you couldn't get what Minho and Thomas had said out of your mind. Were you supposed to go out into The Maze? Or was it a coincidence?

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