1: Confusion - Continued

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Another shucking sleepless night. Ever since I was stung a few weeks ago I'd been restless. Nightmares of the pain and shock filled my mind each night, they terrified me. But I was definitely not going to let the other shanks know that.

At least I got some good memories back after the whole affair. After each nightmare I'd calm myself down, replay the precious memories in my head. The memories of her.

I always tried forcing images back, but they were never clear. I doubt I could pick her out of a crowd. But I knew my feelings towards her. And her name stayed with me too, Y/N. I smiled at the thought of how happy I was with her.

My eyelids start to feel heavy, and I'm hoping that I can finally get some sleep.

They suddenly fly open again when I hear the buzz of the box. "What? The box never comes up at night." I slowly rise from my hammock, grab a light, and decide to check it out.

I see a dark figure crawl out of the box and look around, it has to be a girl. The figure is so short and petite.

"A girl? Again? Wow maybe WICKED is trying to make it up to us." I thought with a sneer.

She's scanning The Glade, and turns where I can finally get a good look at her face. I stop dead in my tracks. Memories start flooding back.

"What if it's-" I instantly stop myself.
"Get it together Gally, it can't be her." I continue towards her when I realize something.

My eyes widened. "Wait. Teresa had the note saying she was the last one, the box hadn't come up with a new Greenie in at least 3 months, why now did they send up someone new?"

My heart raced, I hated the thought of something out of the ordinary. Stability was all I had left, and I was already starting to lose my grasp on it, what would I do when it was gone?

I push the thoughts back quickly. "I have to go help the girl, she must be shucking scared out of her mind."

I didn't want her to cause a commotion, I'd never had alone time with a girl since being in the Glade, and had no chance to considering Teresa jumped right to Thomas last time.

I slowly creep behind her, turn her around fast, and cover her mouth. Her eyes huge with fear, I slowly put a finger to my mouth.

"Don't be a shank. Don't say anything stupid. Don't scare her. Be cool." I release my hand, and just go for it.

"Shh. It's going to be okay beautiful. My name's Gally, can you tell me yours?"

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