4: Disbelief - Continued

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Gally sat down awkwardly on the small bed situated in the corner.

"Y/N, uh, sit here." He patted a spot next to him and smiled warmly.

You weren't scared, or "weirded out" as Gally had phrased it. You felt, safe. But you were anxious to know what he was going to tell you. So you walked over and sat yourself facing him, hands in your lap.

"Before you start, I just have one question, how did you know my name?"
You look down at your hands and intertwine your fingers again and again, maybe it was a nervous tick you had, another thing about yourself you had forgotten.

"I um, well I went through The Changing." Gally fumbles with his words. "The Changing is what happens after someone gets stung, by a Griever. Grievers are what live outside in The Maze. And that's one reason I'm damn happy you're not a Runner."

You smiled at his concern. He stopped himself for a minute, blushing and unsure of what to say. You grabbed his arm reassuringly, an unspoken indication to him that he can continue.

"The Changing is painful. We seizure, spaz out or whatever you wanna call it. We lose ourselves, become violent. But, if a serum, or antidote happens to be shucking lying around. Then we can recover. Teresa had two in her pocket when she came up into The Glade, and since then they've been coming up in the box each month, but The Changing is still unbearable. Although one good thing about the whole mess is that certain memories come back, not all, just really special ones of what we had before all of this klunk."

Memories. That's the word that stood out to you the most. There was a way to get your memory back, however not the most ideal of ways. You zoned out for a bit on the idea of remembering again.


"Oh my gosh, sorry Gally I'm being so rude! Carry on." You also seemed to have a bad habit of going into your own world, losing yourself in your thoughts at times.

He laughed at your urgency to apologize.

"No biggy. It's a lot to take in. But uh, I don't know how to say this next part, but Y/N, you were in my memories that I got back during The Changing, you were in every single one."

"Me? But why? Did we know each other or something?"

Gally sighed and itched the back of his neck, something he seemed to do a lot.
"Yeah. Something like that."

"How- uh did we know each other?" You dreaded the answer, what if he hated you before all of this?

He let out an uneasy laugh and then thought about what he was going to say. But then he abruptly spat out, "Oh, aha, we were just good friends!"

"Good friends? Well that shouldn't have to be a secret, why'd you bring me in here?" Friends. Great day one and I'm already friendzoned. Wait, do I like him? How could I? I just met him today for christ sake. You thought with a sneer.

Gally seemed oblivious to your confusion and he began to talk again.
"Well ya see, I'm kinda the tough guy around here Y/N, and I don't want the other guys thinking they can boss me around when they see me being nice to you. Ugh. I'm a huge shank for that, and I'm really sorry. I guess you can say I'm egotistical."

You laughed. Gally? A tough guy? No way. He couldn't be.

"Aye aye captain. Your secrets safe with me." You mocked a salute and laughed some more.

"Woah, captain? Did someone tell you to call me that?"

"No.. It was just a joke, you know- ha ha?"

"No no not that it's just there's this joke we have here where everyone calls me Captain Gally, that's all." He began itching the back of his neck again, his face turning a darker shade of pink.

"Oh wow, that is really weird."
Has to be a coincidence. You thought to yourself.

You two sat awkwardly for a few moments, but Gally got up and wiped his hands on his pants. Were his hands sweating? Was he actually nervous talking to me? You smiled like an idiot at the thought of Gally liking you.

"Alright Y/N. Ready to properly introduce yourself to everyone?" Gally reached out for your hand.

You took it effortlessly and headed back out to The Glade. You pondered about what had just happened, were you and Gally actually just friends? Or was there more?

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