14: Remembrance

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You kept looking over your shoulder, the hunk of metal and slime barreled after you. It had to be a griever, and it was terrifying. You had to make it out, you wanted to live. You had to tell Gally you were sorry, that this was the most idiotic thing you could have ever done.

Suddenly an arm reached out, pulling you into a tight alley.

"Y/N what are you doing out here?!" The voice hastily whispered. It was Minho, thank God.

"I was- uh looking for that panel you were talking about before." You tried to explain, out of breath.

Minho groaned.
"Shucking Hell, Gally's really going to kill me now." He peaked out into the alley, making sure nothing was coming.

Minho's domineer changed instantly as he pulled his head in quickly and yanked you back further into the small space. The griever slowed, surveyed its surroundings, then simply walked right by you two.

You went to poke your head out but Minho pulled you back again.
"Are you crazy? We're lucky as anything that the griever just walked on by, and you're gonna give us up going out there so fast!"

"You're ri-"
A shooting pain hit you in the stomach.


You looked down at your torso, a strange metal tube lodged in it. You ripped it out, no blood followed. Almost like you'd been given a shot, or stung by a bee. Stung. You looked out into the alley to see the griever carelessly retreating back to where it came. It didn't bother pursuing you or Minho, almost like it was only here for one purpose. It didn't want to kill either of you, but why sting you?

The pain suddenly hit you all at once, you lost control of yourself. Your knees buckled, you slammed onto the hard pavement. You began to scream and jerk frantically, Minho hovered over you, trying to hold you down he motioned to someone. It had to be Thomas.

Your vision grew dark and the pain overtook you completely. Minho's terrified face is the last thing you see before blanking out.


You're running to get to class, you have English next and your teacher said he'd definitely give you detention if you showed up late again. You push through the crowded hallway. Receiving dirty looks and snobby remarks from people you could care less about.

You turned your head and waved quickly to Teresa and next thing you know you're lying on the ground, looking up at Gally.

"Are you kidding me right now? Gally you do realize that I'm half your damn size right. You can't just stand there like a brick wall."

He laughed and grabbed your hand, pulling you up.
"Not my fault you can't watch where you're going."

The bell rang and the hallways cleared.

"Shit. That's my fifth late, I'm so getting detention." You groaned and hit your head on one of the lockers.

"Why don't we just- do something else then?" Gally had an eyebrow raised and a smirk played across his face.


You look around, scanning the forest around you. Your heart beating rapidly. You lean back onto a tree, trying to catch your breath.

Two strong arms grab you from behind and you shriek.

"Haha! Gotcha!"

"You're such a jerk Gally!"
He turned around and went into a full on sprint and you followed suit.


You're sobbing. Knees pulled in close to your chest. Teresa's holding you in a warm embrace.

"Y/N, it's going to be alright. They're not killing him. He'll be a Hell of a lot safer there than he is here."

"BUT HE WON'T REMEMBER ME. He'll be gone Teresa! I'll never see him again."

Teresa rocked you back and forth. Trying to hold back tears herself.


"Y/N. I'm not leaving you."

"Gally you have to, you don't have a choice."

"I don't want to forget."

"I know you don't. I don't want you to either. Maybe one day it'll be back to the way it was.." You trailed off, trying to sniffle away a sob.

Gally pulled you in close.

"I'll always love you, no matter what."


You scan to brilliant array of computer screens in the main room of WICKED's headquarters. You sat in front of a screen which displayed the camera pointed toward the builders.

Some newbie messed up and Gally was trying to stay calm. You laughed at how easily he got pissed off.

"Y/N. I'm sorry but you have to go now. We're about to shut down for the night." A boy with blond hair looked down at you, giving you a small smile.


Water. Everywhere. You hold your breath for as long as you can but it gets hard. You begin to lose yourself.

"Subject A17 is in the water tank Chancellor Paige. Initiating memory removal." The same blond boy looked up at you through the glass. He simply mouthed 'I'm sorry' and lowered his head

You tried to repeat phrases over to yourself in your head.

"My names Y/N. I'm 17. I love Gally. WICKED put me in here."

"My names Y/N. I'm, I was put here-"

"My names- Gally- WICKED- 17."

Your thoughts start to get jumbled, and then, nothing.


You bolt into an upright position. Teresa's at the foot of your bed, sleeping silently.

Gally's right beside you, his head down on the mattress, completely passed out.

You lift your arms to see a strange blue and purple pattern, it goes all across your body.

You sighed and leaned your head back. The pain was still evident, but not nearly as bad as before.

"I love you." You whispered. You kissed the top of Gally's head before settling back down to rest and take in all the images you'd just remembered.

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