5: Regret

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I lead Y/N back out into The Glade, and let her tell everyone that she finally remembered her name. I tried to get some work done, but I couldn't. How could I have been such a stupid shank.

Good friends. Nice Gally, ruining your chances on the first shucking day. Great.

I angrily hammered at a wall that I was fixing on The Homestead. I missed and slammed my thumb. I winced at the pain, it wasn't too bad, but I decided to go to the Med Jacks to get it checked out anyway. Maybe I could try and vent to someone there or something.


You excitedly told everyone the news that you finally knew your name. That didn't stop almost all of them from calling you Greenie though.

You began talking to Newt, he was really nice, most of the guys in The Glade were. You didn't take much interest to any of them though, Gally still sat on your mind.

"So, Y/N how's it feel to be the first Greenie Gally's ever been nice to?"

"Are you serious? Gally is actually the big tough guy around here?"

"Well, he doesn't bloody phase me hun. But he sure does scare the klunk out of most of the shanks in here. As if his size wasn't enough, he's usually just a grand douchebag to everyone here. But, his domineer has changed since he went through The Changing."

"Did Gally happen to tell you anything about the changing he said he saw me-er, I mean someone in his memories." Shit. The one thing Gally told me not to do, and I go and tell Newt, a guy I barely even know! You prayed that Newt didn't hear.

"Gally isn't a type to go and tell anyone personal stuff like that, especially me ya see we're not-"

"HEY Y/N?" Newt was suddenly cut off by Teresa screeching your name she spotted you and ran over, out of breath. "Oh my god. Y/N. There you are. Come with me, its urgent."

"Bloody hell Teresa, did you just run a marathon?"

"Zip it Newt. I need to talk to Y/N. Alone." What did Teresa have to say to you? You two hadn't spoken besides a simple "hello" earlier that morning.

"Teresa, what is this about? Is everything okay?" You were jogging quickly behind her, trying to keep up.

"Sh keep it down, don't want anyone following us. I thought Gally would have told you, but the shank chickened out, or maybe he doesn't remember I don't know."

Teresa brought you into the woods, past the graveyard everyone called the Deadheads. You hoped she wasn't planning on killing you or anything.

You two finally stopped, and Teresa looked around, making sure you guys were actually alone.

"Okay, so when Gally got some of his memory back, he was asleep. So I don't know what memories he had of you, but he did wake up during one of the violent phases, screaming something about not wanting you two to be separated. That WICKED couldn't keep you apart."

"Keep us apart? Buy Gally said-"
Teresa cut you off.

"Listen. He kept mentioning your name in his sleep the whole time, I knew I'd never forget your name after hearing it nonstop for two shucking days. And when you finally remembered your name, I realized you had to be the girl he was babbling about in his sleep, couldn't be a coincidence you two had the same name. Finally got to put a face on the name ya see."

Teresa paused, and nodded her head indicating that it was your turn to speak.

"Well, I probably wouldn't have remembered my name if Gally hadn't asked if it sounded familiar..."

You trailed off, suddenly remembering the whole "preserving Gally's reputation" thing. But Teresa noticed, and answered you reassuringly.

"Hey now, don't worry about me telling everyone Gally has a soft spot for you. He already isn't too keen on me. Wouldn't wanna make it worse. That's why I took you out here."

"He said we were close friends. I don't get why he'd only talk about me, wouldn't he have had other friends too?"

You sighed and shook your head. Gally and Teresa's stories didn't add up.

Teresa chuckled.
"Yeah, friends, let's go with that. We should get back before the guys start worrying, we are the only girls so they might get a little too concerned. And about what Gally said during The Changing, don't worry about it. He didn't say a word of klunk about you, you're on his good side. Trust me, that's a hard thing to manage. And if he is in love with you, he wouldn't tell you. You wouldn't know what he knows. So there's no point. I just wanted to make you aware that Gally could be hiding something, and if you wanted maybe you could get it out of him somehow."

"No no you're right. It's my first day, I don't think I need to find a boyfriend yet. I need to find myself first."

You sighed. You did want to know what Gally felt towards you. You felt like you already knew him somehow, like you two had a strange connection.

Teresa gave you a bright smile.
"Aye. That's the spirit! All guys are shanks anyway."

You two laughed for a while and then began to head back to The Glade. It was starting to get dark.

Damn. That had to be the longest day of my life. You thought to yourself.

You began to blissfully think of sleep, and followed Teresa back to The Glade, making sure not to get lost along the way.

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