6: Déjà Vu

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After you and Teresa got back to The Glade a huge bonfire erupted.

"Hey Y/N, Teresa, there you guys are!" Newt slurred. He tried walking over to you but tripped over Minho and the two broke out into laughter and Newt completely forgot what he had previously been doing.

"You guys have alcohol here?" None of The Gladers were of age, so why would any alcohol get sent up in the box?

"Well, not exactly. Gally makes this weird drink that seems to get everyone hyped up though." Teresa and you began watching all the guys, it was quite entertaining. You two saw everyone fall at least once, but Gally was no where to be seen.

Thomas walked up to Teresa and whispered something in her ear. "Uh, sorry Y/N, I- gotta go. See you tomorrow." Thomas grabbed her hand and pulled her away.

"Oh. I understand." You smirked and winked at the two as the headed to the hut they shared.

You decided to go find Gally. None of the guys would be coherent enough to help you. So you went on a manhunt yourself.


I'd been sitting on one of the old mattresses in The Glade's makeshift hospital all day. Jeff bandaged up my thumb and told me I would be okay to go back to work. But somehow I ended up telling him everything. And I didn't even care what he thought. I could still beat his brains out if I had to.

"Gally- why don't you just tell her? What is the worst thing that could happen? Y/N seems really nice, I'm sure she couldn't get even close to how mean you can be. Just talk to her and stop being a shank."

"I know I know. But it's not like she'd remember what we had. So I can't just tell her everything and expect her to be all 'Oh wow yes! I'm totally in love with you now!' She'll probably think I'm just lying to get into her pants. And if she does believe me, there's no way she can feel the same, she has no memories. I'm not gonna go out into The Maze and get her stung so she can remember either. I just don't know what to do Jeff."

Me and Jeff kept going back and forth, our voices rising. Then suddenly something fell off one of the tables with a large crash. Followed by someone muttering something I couldn't hear too clearly.

Jeff went over to check it out. "Y/N? What are you doing here?"

Are you serious? I hope to God she didn't hear any of that conversation. I pleaded silently to myself.


You'd looked everywhere for Gally. The last stop was the hospital. You approach the door and go to open it, but you hear two people talking. You can't make out what they're saying so you quietly open the door and make your way inside, you were curious, and you didn't want to get into any kind of trouble.

"Gally just tell her."
An unfamiliar voice was talking. Jeff, or Clint maybe? Had to be one of the Med Jacks.

You began looking around. You picked up a weird container labeled WICKED, with some blue liquid in it.

"It's not like I can force her to remember!" Gally's booming voice made you jump. And you knocked a bunch of tools off a nearby table.

"Well, shit." You were not too stealthy.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Jeff peaked around the corner.

"Oh sorry Jeff, didn't mean to wreck the place, I uh, was just looking for Gally."

"Oh he's right over in the other room there. I'll leave you two alone." Jeff quietly left and you went around the corner.

"Hey Y/N. You didn't happen to hear any of that did you?" Gally stood up and walked towards you. You still couldn't get over how small he made you feel. You weren't too short, but Gally sure made you feel that way.

"Nope. Your yelling just startled me is all."

You went down to pick up a pair off scissors and Gally bent down at the same time. Your hands touched and you suddenly had an extreme feeling of déjà vu.

Random thoughts began appearing in your head.
A bell ringing. A school? Walking down a hallway. Books falling. A boy. Young. Maybe 12, 13.
You shook it off and pulled your hand back.

You finally couldn't take it anymore. You had to know what Gally knew.

"Gally. I want to ask you something. But you have to promise you won't lie to me, not again."

"Shuck Y/N. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable I-"

"No I know. I'm not mad. I just have been having these weird feelings everytime I'm around you. I feel like all of this has happened before or something."

Gally's face lit up. Like he suddenly became hopeful. "Well, maybe that means I'm not completely crazy then. C'mon let's go back to my hut. I can put an extra bed in there so once we're done talking you can go right to sleep if you want."

"Okay, sounds good."
You rushed Gally out the door. Your need for this information aching inside of you.

I'll have the next part up later today don't worry.🌚

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