7: Nightmarish Memories

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For the sake of this chapter let's say Gally's "tattoo" in The Scorch Trials would have said A6.

You woke up abruptly when Gally flung his arm over your face in his sleep. You grabbed your nose and laughed. Not the most pleasant of sleepers I guess.

You quietly got up, wanting to change, but you realized you had no clothes besides the ones you were wearing. A red t-shirt, black shorts, and some black sneakers. So you wandered off into The Glade, maybe Frypan wanted help with breakfast or something.

But that's not the case. You're the only one up besides The Runners. Minho and Thomas jog up to you.

"Well well Greenie, day one and you're already sharing a room?" Minho teased.

"Oh slim it kid, is someone jealous that it wasn't his room I was sleeping in?"

"Shuck it. No wonder you and Gally hit it off so fast." Minho laughed, obviously not phased by your previous remark.

"Minho c'mon! We don't have all day!" Thomas was already at the maze's open walls, aching to go out into the unknown.

"Well see ya later Y/N. Try not to have too much fun with Gally while I'm gone." You simply rolled your eyes and huffed. You decided to go back to the hut since no one else was up.

Gally layed stretched out over the entire mattress. So you decide to situate yourself in his. You were surprisingly still really tired, so you decided to drift off to sleep again. You begin dreaming, but it definitely was not the pleasant kind.

"A17? Where is subject A17! A2 arrived in the maze nearly 3 months ago, and A17 is next in line! Without her our plans will fail!"

An older blonde woman was shouting orders at a wimpy teen with bright red hair.

"Chancellor. A17, aka Y/N Y/L/N. Is no where to be found." The red haired boy stated nervously.

"I thought her connection with A6 would have made her more compliant. Find her!"

The scene changed.

You were running, through an old city street. It was abandoned, no life in sight. You didn't know where you were running. You just knew that you couldn't stop. It felt like you'd been running forever, but you never grew tired.

Suddenly a giant helicopter with the WICKED label printed on the side swooped down. At least 20 men erupt out of it, coming straight at you.

A young man with jet black hair held a megaphone. Making sure you'd catch every word of what he was saying.

"Y/N. It's been almost 3 months. Give it up! You'll never make it out in the real world with the Flare encompassing it!"

You were terrified. You needed to escape. You tried pleading with them.

"No! Please don't take me- leave me alone!"

You tried to run in the opposite direction, but the men surrounded you, chanting your name.


Gally shook you awake.
"Y/N! Are you alright?"

"Yeah I uh, just a bad dream."
You lost it and started sobbing.

Gally wrapped you in his arms consoling you.

"Sh. Sh. Its going to be okay baby. It's not real. I'm here, I'll never let anything bad happen to you. Ever."

A17. A6. Was that some kind of label? What did it all mean? Was that your last moment of freedom? The last moment when you was actually you?

You wiped your tears and looked up into Gally's green eyes. You tried to get lost in them, tried to forget your nightmare.

Gally had been nothing but helpful and loving, and you realized that you'd never actually thanked him.

"Gally I don't know how you've put up with all of my-"

Gally didn't let you finish. He pulled you in, locking his lips with yours. You held the kiss blissfully, surging feelings of love and familiarity exploded throughout your body.

You two slowly parted, and Gally quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry. It's just, I wanted to make you feel better and I-I needed to know what that felt like again."

You were dumbfounded. You had just been terrified two seconds ago, yet Gally took it all away. He knew you more than you know you.

You grinned.
"You should have done it sooner."

The moment died as the hut door suddenly flew open.

"Y/N! You lazy shuckface. We have breakfast to make." Frypan stood in the doorway irritated.

You groaned. Of course Frypan would show up now.

"Okay Fry. I'll be right out."

"Hey Gally, I finally get help around here, and you take it away! Damn shank." Frypan shook his head and turned back towards the kitchen.

"Guess I'll have to share." Gally winked and leaned in to kiss you again.

You still wished the memories of Gally would come back to you, not the horrifying ones you'd just seen in your nightmare. You didn't really want to tell anyone about your nightmare either, you needed to figure out if it was actually a memory, or of it was just a nightmare.

You and Gally got ready for the day and parted, leaving you alone with your thoughts.

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