2: Comfort

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At first you were terrified. What could he do to you? What would he do to you?

However, your thoughts quickly subside once he removes his hand from your mouth and soft words escape his lips.

You look up at the boy, he completely towers over you.

"Gally was it?" You thought the name over in your head, it was, interesting. But you liked interesting. Boring never suited you.

He had to be 17, maybe 18 at most? You couldn't tell if he was older than you or not. You totally forgot what you even looked like, let alone your age.

You begin to search your mind, hoping some kind of reassuring memory will pop up. Maybe you'd wake up at home in bed, wherever your home and bed was.

Gally swiped his hand in front of your face to catch your attention.

"Everything alright?"

You snapped back into reality.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"Your name, can you remember it?"

Gally stared at you with concern.

You try to answer Gally calmly, but you trip over your words.

"N-No, I can't remember my name, I can't remember anything. How long will this last?"

Your heart rate along with each breath you take increases as the feeling of terror begins to rise again.

Gally notices your hitched breathing and quickly tries to make you more at ease.

"Its okay don't worry, you'll get your name back. Unfortunately, it's the only thing we get back. But I guess its better than nothing."

You were taken aback by his words. "Wait, this happened to you too? The memory loss?"

He let out a nervous laugh.

"Yep. The exact same thing happened to me and the rest of these shanks- I mean guys here. Plus Teresa, she was the only girl until you came along."

You were glad he was here, the fact that he even cared to help kept you from having a break down. You wished he used a better approach to coming up and talking to you rather than scaring the shit out of you. But you became comfortable with his presence extremely fast.

Gally continues and you begin to focus on his features. His dark hair, full pink lips, his height, along with his toned muscles. His eyebrows had a strange shape, but they emphasized his eyes. You immediately fall in love with his amazing green eyes, they remind you of something, but you can't remember what. You stop your staring and try to refocus on what he's saying.

"Well, the only difference you pose from the rest of us is that you showed up at night. Everyone else has come up in the box during the day. Usually a new Greenie comes up every month, but after Teresa the box only brought up supplies. We were hoping that no one else would get dumped in this shucking place, but three months later, here you are."

You look back at him a bit confused.

"Wait a Greenie? What's that?"

Gally smiles at the question.

"It's one of the things we can actually laugh about in this shuck place. Every new person that comes up we call Greenie or Greenbean, until they remember their name. And we kind of have our own lingo here, so sorry if my words throw you off."

You started laughing and for a moment forgot your situation. You looked at Gally with a bright smile.

"I'd rather be called Greenie than Greenbean."

Gally returned the smile, and you look up into his eyes again, almost getting lost. Gally stares back for a few seconds before he continues again.

"Well alright Greenie. How 'bout I show you around and introduce you to everyone once they wake up?"

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