13: Thoughtless Decision

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You waited outside nervously. Gally and all the other Keepers had been talking for over an hour, and it was most likely about you.

You paced back and forth. What if you could help everyone get out? You thought it over and over, the panel, where was it? Could you open some door? All the Runners were in the meeting, what if you just, checked it out?

You snuck over to the wall closest to you. Instead of hesitating like before, you took a quick step inside. There was still a few hours before dark, so you headed down the long corridor. You walked at a quickened pace.

Left, right, left, left, right. You repeated the directions in your head continuously, not wanting to get lost.

You searched every corner, nothing looked like the electronic panel Minho and Thomas had described. You continued on, keeping your eye on the suns position in the sky, not wanting to get trapped in the maze for the night.


Finally. That Keepers meeting took an eternity. At least Y/N won't have to go into the maze, Thomas and Minho said they haven't seen the panel with A17 labeled on it since last week.

I went over to the hospital to look for Y/N. I walked in to be greeted disappointedly by Clint and Jeff.

"Where's Y/N?"

They both shrugged.
"Haven't seen her since before the meeting."

Dumb shanks. I continued looking around The Glade, and nothing. Where the hell would she have gone? I took a look at the maze wall and panicked. I shook it off. She wouldn't she promised.

Thomas and Minho went back into the maze to finish their rounds, they said they wouldn't go too far, considering there was only an hour or so before sun down. Newt offered to help me find Y/N, and we set off at different ends of The Glade, searching everywhere.


You gave up and began to head back. Right, left, left-

A loud screeching noise cut off your thoughts. You swiveled around slowly, dreading what you would see.

One glimpse of the shimmering metal legs set you off on a sprint towards The Glade. You forgot all sense of direction, and all you could think about was your newfound fear of death.

Sorry for being so slow, I've had terrible writer's block.😅

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