6: Déjà Vu - Continued

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Gally left you alone for a few minutes while he went to get the extra mattress.

You had been in here earlier today, but you hadn't really taken in the surroundings. It was really simple, but It had to be, The Gladers probably didn't have a store to shop for room decorations. You sat up on the bed, if you lied down you knew you'd go right to sleep.

Gally finally showed up with the extra bed, he carried it all by himself, yet he wasn't out of breath. The mattress was not at all light. The fact that Gally just hauled it around like it was nothing really showed his strength. You watched his arms flex and let you mind wander.

"Like what you see?"

Your face turned bright red.

"I uh erm sorry. I think I have a staring problem."

"Im just teasing you Y/N." Gally laughed lightly, but then he put on a more serious expression.

"Now, uh do you want me to start from the beginning?" He sat down across from you on the other mattress.

"Please." You didn't want to sound desperate or anything, but you felt the suspense of all this was going to kill you.

Gally cleared his throat.

"Okay. So I got stung a few weeks ago. Too close to the maze's walls one night I guess. It didn't hurt at first, I completely lost consciousness. I started to have really vivid dreams, one after another. Well at first I thought they were dreams. Now I know that they're memories of my life before this mess."

You suddenly blurted out a random question. About the thoughts you had earlier in the hospital.

"Gally did we go to school together?"

"Yeah. We did. We met in middle school, seventh grade. I was 13 and you were 12."

Oh my god. You thought over and over. Did I actually get some memories back?

"I actually wasn't lying about us being really close friends Y/N. It just ended up turning into something more."

Your stomach twisted with butterflies, and heat rose towards your cheeks.

"I finally got the shucking balls to kiss you on your 14th birthday. I'm pretty sure it was both of our first kisses. We had a lot of first times together.." Gally trailed off, like he was thinking about changing the subject.

First times. You began thinking about yourself and how little you knew. "I don't even know if I'm a virgin." You muttered under your breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing! Ignore me. Keep going."

Gally held back a smirk.

"I think we actually were in love, whatever that klunk is. I mean I've never seen myself so mushy. It kind of disgusts me, but you changed me somehow."

"I bet I would have that effect on people." You slyly remarked.

"Woah woah. You were totally into me too don't act like I was begging at your feet hun."

"Mhm. Sure."

You couldn't hold it in anymore. You burst out laughing.

Gally rolled his eyes.

"As I was saying. We were really happy together. Until WICKED came around and shucked it all up. They announced that all the immunes would be sent to trials, and that we'd all lose our memories, and that boys and girls would be separated, and I just lost it. I couldn't stand the thought of losing you, losing what we had. Instead of my outburst helping us, they moved me up forward in the line up. And I was the fourth one in here, rather than the tenth. I gave us less time together. I was 16 then. And I've been here nearly two shucking years, so around 18 now. I just wish this never happened. The people who run WICKED are sick."

You thought Gally was going to cry. He must've really loved you. You wanted to change the subject. Take his mind off everything.

"So, that means I'm 17? If I'm a year younger than you?" Another thing you could add to things you knew about yourself.

"Yeah. Yeah I guess that'd be right."

He had done so well of comforting you when you arrived. You had to return the favor. You went over to the other mattress. And sat down next to Gally, you wrapped your arms around his neck and took in his warmth. You two sat in silence for a few minutes, but then Gally spoke up again.

"Oh Y/N. One more thing."

"Yeah Gally, what is it?"

"You're not."

"Not what?"

He smirked

"You're not a virgin."

You didn't know what to say, but your facial expression was probably good enough. And you were too tired to care about you pureness at the moment. You didn't let go of Gally. Instead you yawned, and leaned back onto the bed, pulling Gally with you. You instantly fell asleep.

This won't become smutty or anything. Thank you for reading this! I'm actually having a good time writing it. (If it does become smut I'll warn)

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