12: The Key

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You walk down from the watch tower, Gally wasn't next to you when you woke up. You figured he went to work already. As you reached the base of the tower, suddenly the box sirens go off.

Newt and Zart dropped what they were doing and sprinted towards it and you darted after them.

Newt got to the box, a confused look on his face. "What? It's just a bottle with some paper in it."

You were now standing at the edge of the box, peering down at Newt. "Open it then, see if there's anything written inside." You were confused. You hadn't been in The Glade too long, but this seemed out of the ordinary.

Newt squinted a little.
"It says, 'A17, you were so close. Too bad you made the wrong decision. A6 seems to be a devastating distraction' " Newt gulped.
"That bloody A17 again.."
Newt whispered to himself.

So close, to what? Going into The Maze? It couldn't be a coincidence now, both A17 and A6 were mentioned in the dream. A distraction.? A6 has to be Gally.. he was the only type of distraction you could think of.

You began to feel light headed. This couldn't be real. You were put here, just like everyone else. Why were these Creators targeting you? You stammered back into Zart, and then everything went black.

You're on a metal table now, its cold, giving your arms goosebumps. You look around, everyone's dressed in white.

"Y\N. It's time. You won't remember anything, but I need you to remember just one thing."

You turned your head to look at who was talking. It was the older blonde woman, you'd seen her before. She walked closer, leaning down so she could whisper in your ear.

"You're the key."

"The key? What does that mean?!"

You tried to get up, but you're tied down. She's walking away.

"No-No wait, come back!"

The straps holding you down get tighter and tighter, you can't breathe, you start flailing, screaming.

You bolted awake. You're in the hospital now, Newt, Zart, Gally and another boy you didn't recognize were holding you down.

"Bloody Hell she's strong." Newt huffed out of breath.

You sat up slowly. Gally rushed over to you.

"Y/N, are you okay? This is the second time you've woken up like this now."

"Y-Yeah. Just really bad nightmares I guess." You looked around nervously, the guys were all staring at you suspiciously.

Newt crossed his arms and gave you a stern look.
"Y/N. Give it to me straight. What do you know about this whole A17 thing. And don't say nothing, you kept yelling about it in your sleep."

"Newt take it easy, she just woke up, she's terrified!" Gally gave him a death glare.

You squeezed Gally's arm lightly.
"No, no. He's right. I should have told him when I heard him talking to Minho and Thomas yesterday. The dreams I've been having, I think they're flashbacks. Everyone in them calls me that, A17. Subject A17."

Newt whispered to Zart, you couldn't hear what he was saying.

"Gally. We're having a Keeper meeting in a half an hour. You can stay with
Y/N until Minho gets back with Tommy." Him and the rest of the boys left you two alone.

Gally grabbed your hand and held it between the two of his. He was looking down at the ground.

You didn't know what to say, what to do.

Gally sat up straight. He bit his lip and shook his head in disbelief.

"I was hoping you wouldn't have remembered that."

You titled your head, confused.
"You know, about all of this?"

Gally hesitated.
"Kind of. During The Changing, when I remembered the part about us getting round up to get put in here. I was A6, you were A17. You were originally supposed to be subject B17, but they must have changed their minds about what group they wanted you in."

"Did you see the paper? That Newt pulled out of the box?"

"Yep. Shucking sucks."
He lowered his head now.
"You're going to have to go into The Maze, aren't you?"

You pulled your knees up to your chest, suddenly feeling really cold.
"I really hope not, but It kind of seems like that's what's going to have to happen."

You moved over on the bed, motioning for Gally to sit next to you. He wrapped his arms around you and you leaned your head on his chest. He kissed the top of your head.

"If we ever get out of here, I'm killing these Creators one by one."

You let out a slight laugh.
"I'll gladly help you with that."

Sorry this was rushed because I hadn't updated for a few days! Sorry guys.

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