9: Apologies

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You woke up in pain. Your head was screeching. You went to get up, and instantly felt a string of pain on each of your hips. You pulled up the oversized shirt you had on to reveal dark purple bruises in the shape of fingertips.

"What happened last night?" You whispered to yourself. You looked over to see Gally lying next to you snoring quietly, he's only wearing boxers. He looked so peaceful, you two must've made up last night. But you couldn't really remember anything after the fight it was all such a blur.

You decide to go look for something to cure your pounding headache. You slide on some shorts carefully, you winced as the rough fabric made its way over the bruises. You took off what you realized to be Gally's shirt and replaced it with your own and head off to the hospital.

As usual, the only ones up are The Runners, accompanied by Newt.
Thomas and Minho give you quick waves and head on into The Maze. Newt walks up to you, a look of confusion on his face.

"Uh, Y/N? Did someone, punch you in the neck or something?" He sarcastically remarked. He pointed towards a dark bruise on the right side of your neck. You poked at it and winced. Where were all of these bruises from? You thought.

"I don't know what the hell happened last night. Did I get in a fight or something?" You were so confused.

"Well hun, I believe it was quite the opposite. Looks like you had a little bit of fun last night, I saw Gally carry you off to his hut after most of the other shanks cleared out." Newt winked.

"Huh? I seriously don't remember a damned thing. I just- do you guys have anything here for headaches?" You head began to pound again.

"Hold on. I'll be right back." Newt went in to the hospital and brought out two small pills and a glass of water.

"Here take these and go back to bed, you look like Hell, dear."

You scuffed.
"Thanks for the compliment."

You threw the pills in your mouth and drank the water. You headed back to Gally's still wondering what in the hell had happened.

You opened the door and Gally jumped up wide eyed.

"Oh my god. Y/N are you okay? I didn't mean to get you upset last night, and I-I didn't hurt you did I? I'm so sorry I'm so so sorry."

"Gally we just said some harsh words back and forth, you never hit me. I'm fine."

Heat rose to Gally's cheeks.
"Oh shuck, y/n, I was asking if I hurt you after the fight?"

"What do you mean after? Did we-"
You suddenly remembered, everything.
How could you have forget what you two shared last night? You gulped. "Nevermind." Your face was beat red now.

Gally looked you up and down, his eyes fixated on your neck.

"I did that. Shucking Hell I'm so sorry baby." Gally felt awful, but didn't he remember how much you both liked it?

Gally grabbed the back of his head and turned around towards the wall, his back still bare, it was lined with scratches.

Your eyes widened.
"Gally- your back, does it hurt?"

"No. Why?"

You began to remember more and more of the night you had.

"Uh there's a lot of scratches on it, it doesn't look like it'd feel too hot."

He twisted his arm around to feel them.

He hissed. "Shit that stings."

"Sorry." You murmured. "Guess we can call it even?"

Gally smirked and laughed lightly.
"Sure. We're even."

Gally swiftly made his way towards you, and he took you by the hips pulling you close to him.

"Ow. Uh Gally, easy on the hips."
You nervously laughed.

"Woah woah, I did hurt you."
Gally's face was full of regret.

You took his face in your hands.
"Gally. I love you. Stop babying me I can take a few bruises."

You got up and your tiptoes and kissed him sweetly. You didn't know how, but you knew you already loved Gally. You didn't need your memories back to feel what you were feeling now.

He smiled brightly.
"I love you too. Just uh, try to cover the bruises up, don't want this getting around now do we?"

"Yeah." Your mouth formed a slight smirk. "You better hide those scratches too."

I've been spamming with updates because I go back to school tomorrow, so just warning you, my updates are going to get a bit slower, sorry guys ily.

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