8: First Fight; Wild Night - Continued

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OKAY. Don't read if smut makes you uncomfortable, or read and stop when you feel weird idk.😂 If you skip this chapter you'll still know what's going on for the next one trust mE.

You tangled your fingers into Gally's hair. You went to take a breath and Gally took it as an opportunity. He drove his tongue into your mouth. You let him have his way, you knew he'd win that fight anyhow.

Gally was pleased with himself. He leaned back down to whisper in your ear.

"You're not going to be walking well tomorrow babe." He bit your ear and tugged before leaning back and revealing his devilish grin.

He turned his attention to your neck, he bit down and you yelped. That only encouraged him to keep doing it over and over. You were definitely going to see that tomorrow.

Gally pulled away, admiring his work. Then in a swift motion, he tore off his shirt.

"Holy shit." You gasped. He had sculpted abs, not to mention a perfect V-line..

Gally grinned as he noticed you staring. "Your turn."

You weren't sure if it was the alcohol or Gally's bare torso or both encouraging you, but you slowly lifted up your shirt, wanting to make Gally wait. You threw it aside and Gally forcefully pulled you back under him.

He kissed his way down your chest, stomach, and finally he reached the waistband of your shorts. He slid them off, then he took his pants off as well.

Gally looked you up and down, his tongue was sliding across his lips. You had no clue what he was thinking, but you were getting restless.

"Ugh." You huffed. You threw off your bra and panties. Leaving you completely bare in front of Gally, trying to encourage him.

It worked. He kicked off his boxers, exposing his huge length. He pushed you back onto the bed, holding your arms above your head.

He kissed you passionately. He released your hands and grabbed your hips instead. He lined himself up with you, and he slid himself in. You tilted your head back in full on pleasure biting your lip to contain your moans.

"Fucking Hell Gally, move." You tried to move yourself, but Gally's grip was too tight.

Gally thrusted in and out, tightening his grip on you. You wrapped your legs around him, and dug your nails into his back.

"You're so tight Y/N, fuck."
Gally buried his face into the crook or your neck, muttering a string of curse words. He latched on harder to your hips, and he began to get sloppy.

"Say my name, baby please say it." Gally murmured into your neck.

"Shit Gally. I'm close." You arched your back as you reached your high. Screaming Gally's name.

Gally bit down on your shoulder, and he pulled out fast and released himself onto your stomach.

You lied their catching your breath and Gally got up to find something to clean you off. After you two fixed yourselves, you threw on Gally's shirt and he pulled on his boxers. Gally pulled you in to his chest.

"Shuck. That was better than I expected."

You softly sighed in agreement, and you drifted off to sleep to sound of Gally's heartbeat.

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