8: First Fight; Wild Night

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You worked your ass off in the kitchen the whole day to make it up to Frypan.
By the end of it all, you were completely disgusting, and you needed a shower fast.

You went over to Teresa and Thomas' and Teresa lent you some clothes and said she'd wash yours while you showered.

There was a shower off on its own that was made for Teresa when she arrived. You and her now had to share, but that was virtually no problem considering all the guys had to share just five shower stalls.

You turned the water on and let it steam for a while before you took your clothes off and hopped in. You didn't realize how filthy you were until you saw the massive amount of dirt accumulating at the bottom of the shower.

You began to think about everything that had happened the past day and a half, the dream, what Gally had said. You began to get stuck on the thought on the conversation you two shared, you didn't even question anything Gally had to say. You were totally okay with the fact that he loves you, and at one point, you loved him back. You smiled at the thought of it. Maybe I do love him again already. You thought.

You then preceded to wash your hair and body. Once you finished you wrap a towel around you and turn off the water. You walk out into the small bathroom area. It consisted of a sink, toilet, and small shelves lined with soap, toilet paper, and all the extras girls needed.

You began to change into the fresh clothes Teresa gave you. You got your underwear and bra on before the door flew open.

"What the hell!" You screamed. It was Minho. His face intensely red.

You quickly grabbed the shirt and threw it over your head.

"Shuck Y/N. Sorry sorry it's just I had to go really bad after running all day and this was the closest one and I totally forgot to look to make sure you and Teresa weren't in here-" The poor kid didn't even take the time to breathe.

"Minho its okay. It was a mistake, I get it. Can I just, have my privacy now?"

"Oh yeah, yeah! Sorry again. I'm such a shuckface." A weird smile played on his face. You shook it off and continued getting dressed.

You put on the shorts and combat boots Teresa had also given you. You waited a few more minutes before heading out into The Glade. You were still quite embarassed. But once you emerged from the bathroom you saw that the bonfire had already started. You began heading towards the luminous display.

Newt greeted you.
"So you and Minho had an.. awkward encounter a few minutes ago, eh?

"You know about that already?"

"Afraid so. Shank's going around blabbing about how beautiful you are, and that you two had a connection."

You gaze at the drink in Newt's hand.
"Give me that."

"Wait wh-"

You didn't give him the chance to finish. You snatched it and downed it in two seconds. It burned, real bad. But you knew you needed something to calm you if Minho was truly going around running his mouth.

"Bloody Hell. I've never seen any of these shanks hold down a drink that well, or drink that fast for that matter. Want another?"

"Yes, just, not now. I need to find Gally and clear this mess up."

Well, it was too late for that, you spotted Gally across the fire. He took a swig of a drink and turned his attention to Minho.

"I'LL BEAT YOUR SHUCKFACE IN. I DON'T GIVE TWO SHITS WHETER OR NOT I GET BANISHED." Gally was already losing it. And Minho just fired right back at him. The guys were more entertained than concerned. Betting on who would win the screaming match.

"Don't blame me for the fact that your shuck girlfriend couldn't resist all of this." Gally balled up a fist, and you knew you needed to stop it before anything bad happened.

You ran over as fast as you could, your vision was already beginning to get a bit hazy.

"Gally- Gally stop! Don't hurt him."

He turned back to you, fire in his eyes.
"Oh, so now you're defending the slinthead?"

"Told you she wanted it." Minho smirked at you. You got in between the two to make sure no one would start throwing punches.

"I didn't want anything. You walked in on me changing, that's ALL, an ACCIDENT. Stop running your goddamn mouth." Minho backed off instantly, and you knew you made your point clear.

You turned your attention towards Gally now. "And you. Do you not trust me at all?" You were furious. Had last night meant nothing to him?

"No it's not that, baby I swear. I was caught up in the moment, I'm sorry."
His expression softened. His eyes filled with regret.

But you're not giving in that easy.
"Just forget it. And stop trying to woo me with the pet names." You responded coldly.

Gally walked away, taking a whole plate of drinks with him.

You wanted to do the same. You found a line of drinks all topped off. You sat down at the table and just drank nonstop. You had to have downed at least five of them before Gally interrupted you.

"Y/N. Come with me, please."

"What? Gally no leave me alone."
You hissed.

He was not about to take no for an answer. He lifted you up with one arm and swooped you up and over his shoulder, you tried resisting, but it wasn't worth it, Gally was way stronger than you. He effortlessly carried you towards his hut.

He pushed open the door, then shut it quickly behind him. He threw you down on the bed, and positioned himself over you. He leaned down and began whispering slurred words into your ear, begging for you to hear him out.

"Y/N, please. I'm sorry, I'm overprotective. But it's for a shucking good reason. I mean, Minho getting to see you, like that. It's not fair." He groaned.

"But, you said you've already seen more of me than that." Your heart began racing, your eyes darting up and down Gally's toned body, all you could think was how attractive Gally looked. All you wanted was him.

"But that's not now, we're both older, more, grown." His hot breath traveled down your neck, making you shiver.

You couldn't take it anymore. You turned your head so that you were facing Gally and you kissed him, hard.

SooooOo, the next chapter might have some smut in it (well it will have smut in it actually, but not too much). But, I'm writing it so that if smut makes you uncomfortable, you can just skip the chapter altogether. Thank you guys for reading this far. :) ps I just really like the thought of drunk Gally, and that's why I wrote this part lol

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