15: Taking Action

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You shift yourself onto your side, an elbow is lodged uncomfortably into your side. You open your eyes and squint as your eyes readjust to the light. Gally's arm wrapped around you now, he must've grown uncomfortable in the chair. You go to get up quietly, not wanting to wake Gally. You were honestly a bit nervous about how he'd react to you breaking your promise.

But you failed at that as you proceed to trip over your own feet, slamming against the wooden floor.

"Goddamnit." You winced and rolled yourself onto your back and stared blankly at the ceiling.

"Y/N?" Gally lifts his head and scans the room looking for you.

"Down here." You murmur and Gally peaks his head over the side of the bed."

"What in the Hell are you doing?"
He raises a brow and laughs.

"You're not- mad at me ?"

Gally leans down and pulls you up back onto the mattress. You rest your head in the crook of his neck, you take in his smell. It's always surprisingly nice. Like soap.

"Mad? I'm just happy that you're alive. I mean yeah it doesn't make me too happy that you just wandered off like that, but I guess I know why you-"

You stopped him. How is he being so calm about this?

"I don't get it, I just. You've literally almost beat the living hell out of guys in here for doing the slightest thing wrong, and you're not even going to yell at me for breaking one of the most important rules in here? Not even for breaking a promise?"

You were dumbfounded. You and Gally had a falling out over literally nothing that one night at the bonfire. But even then his anger was more toward Minho. You didn't want Gally mad at you, you just never quite understood until now how much different he treated you from everyone else.

Gally sighed and brushed his hand up and down your arm lightly, leaving goosebumps.

"Yeah, I know I get mad over the dumbest klunk. But, it's always when I'm not with you. The last fight I got into was the screaming match with Minho last week, and I don't even remember my last fist fight. I always kinda knew in the back of my mind that WICKED really deprived me of something. I couldn't get over the fact of not knowing what I was missing in life. But, now that you're here, I'm content, actually shucking happy. If there was a way, I'd run away with you, I'd go anywhere you wanted." He paused and let out a slight laugh.
"I'd even go into the shucking Griever Hole if you wanted to. And if you going out into The Maze could make that a reality. Then next time I'm going with you."

You smiled like an idiot. You hoped that you were actually the key to everyone's escape. You had your motivation for getting out now. You didn't just want to be with Gally anymore, you wanted to create a life with him.

"Well, let's go talk to everyone and see what kind of plan we can stir up."
You eagerly led Gally out of the hospital and into The Glade, a mob of smiling and concerned faces greeted you.

Wow sorry this is poop omg. I've had zero ideas guys sorry, thank you for bearing with meeee

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