Admire Me

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Admire Me by Poison's Ivy

Admire Me

Summary: In which the pack thinks Stiles and Derek are dating and are confused (and frustrated) as to why they say they aren't doing anything for Valentine's day and figure that they must be fighting, so the pack takes matters into their own hands.

(aka: Assumed Relationships + Misunderstandings + a hint of Matchmaking)
When Derek opened his front door first thing in the morning, he was greeted with a gigantic bouquet of roses signed "you know who 3", except no, he most certainly did not know who and his nose twitched at the onslaught of scent of freshly cut roses and a hint of the strange scent (the delivery boy?) who had brought them here.

Derek turned his head to scan the rest of the hallway, but he wasn't picking up anyone else's presence (not surprising, he was the only one who lived on this floor).

Looking down at the roses again, he shrugged and picked them up to bring them inside.


When Stiles opened his front door first thing in the morning, he closed his eyes because of the blinding sunlight and his first immediate thought was to go the fuck back to bed.

He was going to do exactly that, actually, except when he turned back around and reached the stairs he remembered that he had to hand in his paper for Economics.

Sighing, Stiles walked back out to his jeep but paused at the sight of a teddy bear sitting on his windshield, its leg tethering the bear to his car via his windshield wipers.

Raising an eyebrow, Stiles picked up a stick from the ground and gingerly poked the bear a few times to make sure it wasn't a bomb or something else that he would have no surprise finding on his precious jeep.


Stiles sighed and dropped the stick to the ground and just picked up the bear, mentally trying to deduce who would have left it here and the best he could come up with was Scott or Kira (or both) trying to make him feel better about being single on Valentine's Day. Which sort of made him feel a little worse about his eternal singledom, but it's the thought that counts right?


Stiles opened the door and threw the bear in the back, but it wasn't until he saw the red slip of paper still stuck on his windshield wipers that he stopped in his actions to start the car. Frowning, he went back out to see what it was and scrunched his eyebrows in confusion when he saw the message.

There's no one I love more than you!

Well, that's not something Kira would say to him so... Scott? The fact that Scott remembered him despite the lovey dovey air that was Valentine's being in the air was kinda nice.

His phone beeped and that's when he realized the time and cursed under his breath before rushing back into his car, the red paper and its weird message forgotten.


Derek was debating between buying the ingredients needed to make spaghetti or just settling for takeout again when he heard the knock on the door.

Warily, he could feel his claws lengthening as he approached the door, and didn't shift back even when he caught the scent of a human (a stranger) behind the door.

"Yes?" he asked gruffly, eyeing the man dressed in blue overalls with a pressed white shirt under it and the slogan "Bob's Balloons!" on it. Derek looked at the accompanying mass of reds and pinks and purples that the man was holding, and suddenly Derek's expression turned a lot more judgmental.

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