Not So April's Fools{1}

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Not So April's Fools by cabbageoriley
{2 Parts}

Stiles is sitting in the re-built Hale house. He is supposed to be giving ideas at the weekly pack meeting, but he is distracted. Usually he throws around ideas like he's getting paid for them. Usually, he's laughing and goofing off with Scott. Usually, he's trying to not be completely obvious that he's crushing on his favorite Sour Wolf.

But, he is distracted. A lot has been going on in his life recently. He feels completely exhausted, and he can't even bring himself to care. He is currently curled up on the end of the sofa with his arm spread across the back of it and his head in his hand. (Barely trying to seem interested)

And, then it happens. His phone rings. "HOLY CRAP!" is an understatement. Mr. Big Bad hates it when someone's phone rings during a meeting. There is always growling and an intense stare-down when any pack member forgets to switch to silent. When Derek is really in a bad mood there are back flips and wall-shoving. Oh no.

Stiles flails so spectacularly that he is launched halfway off the couch. He tries to turn the phone down, but his hands aren't working. He can hear Derek growling behind him. And, to make matters worse, he can finally see who is calling... DEATON.

"Let me... I'm gonna just... it'll be off in... I got it... I swear I thought it was off... I'm gonna... Here, I..." Stiles doesn't even know he's rambling. His fingers are too long, and he's starting to panic. Oh this is not good; this is so not good.

Just as his thumb hovers over the volume button, the phone disappears from his hands. He jerks his head up. "Give it back, Jackson!" he screams. Stiles lunges forward, but the wolf steps back.

"No, Stilinski. It's time for this to stop."

"Just give it back," Stiles pleads.

"No! You know the rule. No distractions. No cell phones." Jackson growls. "You know what happens when one of our phones rings? We are punished, shoved into walls, banished from the house. Last time mine rang, Derek smashed it and refused to pay for a new one."

Stiles reaches for the phone again, but Jackson pulls his arm back to keep it away. Jackson smiles a crazed smile. "And guess what happens when your phone rings? Squat. Nothing!"

Derek huffs, "Just give him is phone back."

"Yeah," Stiles chimes in. "Listen to your Alpha."

"No! It's like you're his favorite, special, little pet or something. While the rest of us are threated and ripped apart, he gives you a sideways glance and you get off scot-free!" He looks around to the rest of the pack, and they agree with him. Even Scott, the traitor.

"Please, Jackson." Stiles begs, but it gets him nowhere. He kicks him in the shin, but that doesn't work either.

The phone stops ringing as a voicemail message records. Stiles grabs for the phone once more, but Jackson pushes him backward and Stiles trips into the coffee table. Before he can recover, Jackson has pushed play.

Stiles stares in frozen horror as his cheerful voicemail message plays before the beep. The line crackles as Deaton's voice comes over the line.

"Mr. Stilinski, you assured me you would answer the phone, but it seems that you're busy. Are you sitting down?"

Stiles can't move. This is it, his life is over. Everyone is going to know, and no one was supposed to know. Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh. His face is beet red; he can feel it.

"Your tests came back positive. Congratulations, Stiles, you're pregnant."

The room is absolutely silent. No one is moving. No one is breathing.

Deaton continues, "I realize that Derek is no longer in the picture, and I am sorry about that for you. But, I am proud that you are committed to continuing the gestation. You'll... you'll make a good father. Take some time to process things, and then come ahead in to the office. My door will be 'closed' as usual, but I'll be here for you."

The phone beeps again, and that's it. Stiles hasn't realized it, but his arms are hugging his midsection and his face is wet with tears. He looks around the room at their shocked faces. A mix of confusion, disbelief, and horror are spread across everyone in the room.

Stiles chokes on a broken sob and runs out of the house.

It takes everyone a few minutes to come out of their stupors.

"Did that really just happen?" Scott asks. They all look at each other.

"That can't be possible," Lydia is dumbfounded.

Jackson finally recovers and laughs. The group glares at him. "Guys, this has to be a joke. Tomorrow is April 1st. April Fool's Day. He set up this prank a day early to really fool us."

Allison shakes her head. "There's no way Deaton would go along with that. He doesn't joke."

"Oh come on," Jackson retorts. "That's the part you found to be unbelievable?!" He laughs and motions to where Stiles was standing and to where Derek is still frozen. "If Stiles is pregnant, that means that the two of them dated and had S-E-X! That's the unbelievable part, right, Derek?" Everyone turns to Derek who is still motionless. "Right, Derek?"

Derek doesn't take the time to look at the pack; he just runs out of the front door and into the woods.

Derek finally finds Stiles with his back against a tree. He is absolutely sobbing. "Stiles."

"I'm so embarrassed." Stiles shakes his head. "I forgot so silence my phone, and then Jackson goes and..."

Derek sits down beside him. He isn't sure what he needs to do. "You're..."

"He ruined everything. No one was supposed to know. I didn't... I didn't want anyone to know."

"Not even me?"

"You're... you're the father. You... Yes, I would have... I don't... You deserved..."

"Shh..." Derek hushes. "Stiles, stop. I know you would have. Eventually."

"You don't have to worry, Derek," Stiles assures. He spreads his hands out firmly. "You don't have to do anything. I'm not going to ask for any money. You don't... You can just forget about it. I'm not going to bother you. But, I'm keeping it! You can't make me give it up. I'm not getting rid of it."

"I don't want you do get rid of it."

"Good." Stiles nods, just a little bit relieved.

"I don't want you to get rid of me either."

Stiles jerks toward Derek so fast that he might have given himself whiplash. "What?"

"We don't have to stay broken up. The... Our fight was stupid if you think about it. Remember how it started?"

"Whether to order thick crust or thin crust pizza." Stiles shakes his head, a small smile trying to inch onto his face.

"Which, thinking back, was probably due to your pregnancy hormones."

"Hey! No! It was because you... we... you always make us order thin. It's not fair."

Derek squeezes Stiles' neck. "Next time we'll compromise and get hand-tossed?"

Stiles grins at him, but then turns his head away. "You gotta be all the way in," he whispers. "You can't say we're in this together and then back out. It's not fair."

"I'm in."



"We didn't break up over the pizza!" Stiles explodes. "That was just the beginning of a huge fiasco, and THAT was the reason we broke up. So... So, don't even TRY to blame it all on my hormones! That's not fair! Don't blame it all on me and our unborn child!"

Derek laughs, glad to have Stiles back. "It was all MY fault. Please forgive me."

"That's better."

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