Cause I'm Thinking Maybe We're Meant To Be

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Cause I'm Thinking Maybe We're Meant To Be by coffeedecaff
(Super long but worth it)

Steps to woo Derek Hale:
1. Make him say yes to the plan.
2. Initiate the plan.
3. Initiate physical contact.
4. Establish permanent term of endearment
5. Be sweet
6. Take him on romantic dates
7. Invite him on family dinners
8. Initiate hot make-out sessions
9. Make sure to leave him wanting more after step 8.
10. Tease
11. Sex. Lots of sex.
12. Break the plan.
13. Make it real. ;)

If anyone asks Stiles if his elaborate plan to woo Greek God slash Alpha sourwolf Derek Hale is foolproof, well, he would confidently say that yes, it is. He has seen enough chick-flick and rom-com movies (not that he would admit to anyone but Scott) to know that this plan never fails. No doubt. None at all.

Well, except for the fact that making Derek say yes to the plan itself is like suicide. Sometimes Stiles even asks himself if he's a masochist because the look that Derek is giving him right now could actually kill him. Seriously. And it takes all of Stiles courage not to run from the burnt house and save his goddamn ass.

'You're pack, Stiles,' he thinks to himself. 'What kind of Alpha would kill his own pack?' Then his jaw drops in realization. 'Shit. Derek never told me I am pack. Sure they don't throw me out whenever I tail Scott on pack meetings, but still. Oh my fucking shit. I'm so fucking dead. Like, dead meat. And then Derek would fucking eat me. Wait. Isn't that the goal of this plan - for Derek to eat me and maybe do something more? Like something naughty and dirty. Fuck, if that mouth would be the one to eat me, holy sh-' Stiles cuts his own thoughts off, something he rarely does, because well he's Stiles. But then again, he doesn't need any awkward boner right now so he just saves those thoughts for later (when he's having his private Stiles time).

"Stop!" Derek growls, and fuck, isn't that the hottest sound Stiles has ever heard? "I can hear you thinking, Stiles."

"No shit Sherlock!" Stiles retorts, thinking it was a funny thing to do until Derek slams him into the nearest vertical surface (which happens to be a hard wall. Ouch).

"Dude, ever heard of something called personal space?" Stiles squirms away from Derek. The older guy doesn't need to know that Stiles is already half hard from being slammed on a wall. Damn masochistic side of him. But maybe Derek has already smelled it. Because hello, super wolfie senses. Still, there's much difference between smelling it and actually feeling it. Stiles doesn't need much more reason for Derek to hate him, thank you very much.

Derek slowly backs away and glares at him again. "Why would I agree to that plan Stilinski?"

"Derek, I thought we're already on first-name-basis kind of friendship?" The Glare intensifies and Stiles sighs. "Look. I have helped you before. I have saved your wolfie ass a lot. And this is all I am asking. It's not even a life and death situation. Dude, please?" Stiles whines and puts on a pout for added effect. Derek eyes his pouty lips and his face softens for a second. "Derek, I am begging here. What's the harm to this anyway?"

"You're asking me to pretend to be your boyfriend," Derek states as if it answers Stiles' question. Stiles huffs and pretends to be offended.

"Rude. Derek, don't you want this..." Stiles gestures to his body, " be your boyfriend? And like you just stated, it's all pretend. Dude, have some mercy, will you? I'm 18 and yet I never even had a boyfriend let alone someone to have sex with! And graduation's like a few weeks away and everyone's holding up parties and bringing someone to sneak with on dark corners and I would be like the only single guy on the room and isn't that just sooooo lonely?" Derek just gave him his epic bitch please face.

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