Stiles Mighty Actually Be Spiderman by day
____________The Alpha group was formed by the Main Branch of Red Eyes Inc, a business separate from the government that did dirty jobs and killed people who needed to be killed.
Each member had an area of expertise, a specific specialty that made them highly sought after. Derek was pulled in from the New York branch, his skills in close combat surpassing everyone who has ever entered the company. Scott was from the branch in Santa Monica for his ability to talk a suicide bomber down with just a blink of his big brown eyes. Allison hails from Detroit with Olympic level trophies for her work with a cross bow under her belt. Danny was pulled in from Hawaii after hacking into government records without breaking a sweat. Isaac comes from the branch in Florida, known for his work with bombs and electricity.Then there was Stiles.
Honestly, Derek was completely fucking confused as to what Stiles was doing there. He came from a small town in California, wasn't even part of a branch and never received formal training, but was personally recruited by both Chris Argent and Peter Hale.
They've all been together for months, acclimating themselves and getting to know one another, but Derek still doesn't know what Stiles' area of specialty is other than the ability to talk for hours without taking a breath and for cracking lame jokes at completely inappropriate times.
No one else seemed to be bothered that Stiles wasn't from the company or that he had no records whatsoever (Derek checked and he's beginning to wonder if Stiles is even his real name).
"Why are you staring at me like you want to murder me." Stiles sighs, frowning at Derek and crossing his arms defensively over his chest.
Derek scowls at this, still staring. "Why are you here?" He blurts. Stiles flinches and Derek feels a tug of guilt in his belly. He's not good at the whole sympathy and empathy thing, that's Scott's job.
"Because I was abducted from my bed in the middle of the night and your creepy ass uncle offered me a proposition. I said yes because I was naked and I wanted him out." Stiles snaps.
"I-" Derek gapes. Peter said he had formally asked Stiles to join, but what the boy explained isn't actually a far off stretch. "You're not even part of the company though."
"If I wasn't part of the company, would I be sitting here right now?" Stiles asks warily. Allison makes a noise of comfort and rubs his head as Scott slings a protective arm around his newly anointed best friend.
"Why are you so mean to everyone, Derek, lighten up." Scott frowns. "Stiles is awesome."
"Aw, thanks buddy, I think you're awesome too!" Stiles laughs and with that all traces of hurt are gone from his face.
Derek sighs and Danny nudges his arm with a kind smile. "He's not from a branch, but I can assure you he's had training."
Derek raises his eyebrow in questioning.
"I hacked into his records." Danny shrugs.
"What does he even do?" Derek exclaims, eying the flailing boy in frustration.
Isaac laughs from where he's sitting next to Derek. "He's bait."
Derek waits for the cue that he's joking but nothing comes and Danny just shrugs as if there's no need to worry that they're going into a highly dangerous situation and using the least equipped member as bait.
"How are you okay with this?" Derek addresses Stiles in disbelief. Sure, Stiles is an annoying little shit but he's also the one who gets the members of the group to interact and Derek might just be a bit fond of him.

Sterek One Shots (boyxboy)
FanfictionMy all-time-OTP never-sinking-ship is Sterek (which is Stiles and Derek from Teen Wolf). So here are some amazing one shots that I've read off and want to share with all the other Sterek shippers. -SSawesomeweirdo Disclaimer: I don'...