Lions, and Tigers, and Bears, Oh my (god)! By day
Stiles moves into Beacon Hills when he's 18. He doesn't know about the werewolves or the town hunters or the crazy amount of supernatural shit that goes on, because if he did, he would have hightailed it the fuck out of there instead of buying a small apartment and actually settling down.
So when he catches the scent of wolves on his jog, he groans and fights the urge to fling himself to the concrete and throw a tantrum impressive enough to rival any and all five year olds. He settles for sitting down on the scorching concrete and cursing his life choices. "Of all the fucking places in California, I would choose the one infested with wolves. Why. Why must you curse me so? What did I do wrong?"
He flails his legs a bit just because he can. Stiles is a Shifter, and contrary to popular belief, he doesn't only turn into one animal. He's also known as a mimic, a metamorph, a therianthrope, or most popularly known as, thanks to Supernatural, a skin walker.
Stiles' favors big cats, because who doesn't like giant fluffy cats who can tear your head off? He has the most control over these forms so it's easy to tap into their abilities without actually shifting into a four legged and giant cat. The smell of wolf gets stronger so Stiles tamps down the cat, reverting back to his completely human senses.
"Are you okay?" A wolf walks up to him a moment later, not realizing that materializing from the woods out of nowhere would be fucking terrifying for anyone else.
Stiles looks up and squints because of the sun, "Huh. Yeah, dude, just resting my legs. Enjoying nature. Rethinking my life choices. Crying over the leaves."
The wolf doesn't stare at him like he's crazy or run away, but he actually laughs. "Cool. I'm Scott. Are you new around here?"
Stiles nods, taking Scott's offered hand and standing up. "I'm Stiles. And, yeah, I moved here last week. Do you like... live in the woods or something? Not that that's weird. Wait, is this even a running trail? I don't even know."
"It's actually private property and if the owner found you first he would state it in a very angry manner." Scott laughs, "You shouldn't run too late, the wild animals come out."
"Wolves?" Stiles asks with a devilish grin, "I heard rumors around town. Well, if I go missing, I'm counting on you to find my half eaten corpse."
Scott laughs really hard, if not a bit nervously.
When Derek tells Scott to investigate the weird scent at the trails, he did not mean to bring back a sweaty teenage boy with long legs and too many moles.
"What the fuck." Erica blurts, because Erica is the best with social situations.
"Yeah, I get that reaction a lot." The boy laughs, golden eyes twinkling with laughter and unrestrained mischief.
Erica grins and oh no. "I like you. I'm Erica." She declares. "Derek, can we keep him."
"This is Stiles, I found him sitting near the trails." Scott introduces. Derek really wonders how any of his betas managed to make friends.
Stiles waves, not at all perturbed by the packs lack of social ability. Although Derek's judgement might be a bit hypocritical considering he just stares and lets out a very impressive caveman-esque grunt.
"I'm Isaac." Isaac grins tentatively.
"Holy cheekbones, Isaac." Stiles whistles, making the curlyhaired boy flush deep red. "It's nice to meet you."
"Boyd." The biggest of all of them steps up and Stiles just grins and rolls with it.
"Wait, let me guess, you're the mature peace keeper and Mr. Broody-pants' favorite." Stiles cocks and eyebrow and Boyd actually grins, and oh fuck.

Sterek One Shots (boyxboy)
FanfictionMy all-time-OTP never-sinking-ship is Sterek (which is Stiles and Derek from Teen Wolf). So here are some amazing one shots that I've read off and want to share with all the other Sterek shippers. -SSawesomeweirdo Disclaimer: I don'...