You Were Mine To Adore

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You Were Mine To Adore by iamursforevrmre
It first starts off as a dumb idea, really. Stiles was watching some tattoo show and one of the clients is getting a tattoo of his dog's paw print for one of the challenges and Stiles glances over at Derek, curled up on the floor in his wolf form napping in the sunlight through the windows, and thinks that maybe he could somehow get Derek's paw print from a ink pad onto a piece of paper and to a tattoo artist.

But then Stiles remembers he absolutely fucking hates needles.

So he forgets it and goes back to the show, giggling and taking a video when Derek's limbs start twitching like Derek's having a really good dream of chasing down some rabbit in the preserve.

But then, a couple days later, Stiles is scrolling through Tumblr and sees a photo set of water color tattoos and one of them happens to be of a wolf. He sighs to himself, glancing over at Derek who is humming and washing their dishes from dinner, and wonders if theres a way to get Derek to step on ink without thinking anything about it.

The more that Stiles thinks about it though, really thinks, he wants to do this. Thinks that maybe he can drag Scott with him and he can pain drain while Stiles cries and squeezes his eyes shut through the process. But he wants this. Wants Derek's mark on him for the rest of his life.

"I have a weird question." Stiles tells Scott, muting the T.V. during the commercial break so his best friend actually pays attention to him. Stiles swears Scott's selective hearing only got worse after he was bitten.

"Hmm?" Scott asks, tears his eyes away from the television and glancing over. He's been giving Stiles weird side glances all night long because Stiles has been fidgeting non-stop since Derek left - batting Scott's head playfully and pressing his lips on the crown of Stiles' forehead - and announed that Erica was summoning him to help with wedding plans.

"If I were to go get a tattoo, would you come with me and hold my hand so you can take away the pain?" Stiles asks, biting his lip. "I guess you don't have to hold my hand, but I'd probably appreciate it and you're my best bro so you better."

"What are you thinking of getting done?"

"I want Derek's paw." Stiles tells him with a finality in his voice that surprises the both of them. "I think I want it over my heart."

"Stiles that's a pretty big deal." Scott informs him, which is something Stiles really doesn't need to hear right now. "I know you guys have been together for three years, but like, this shit is permanent."

"Alright, dude, you're being a douche. I'm going to spend the rest of my fucking life with that stupid werewolf and I've literally been thinking about this for the past two weeks and I really want this done. So are you gonna hold my goddamn hand or not?"

"Chill, bro. You know I'm always going to help you out." Scott says, leaning over to tug Stiles into a side hug. "I'm just making sure, because I know you don't like needles."

"Okay, I really want this, but you're gonna have to make sure I don't back out because I will try and pussy out of this as many times. And you're probably going to have to schedule the appointment for me."

"I gotchu, bro. Don't you worry."

The commercial break ends, and Stiles unmutes the television so they can go back to ignoring each other in favor of watching It's Always Sunny. Scott stays for a few more episodes, and leaves claiming that he should get back to Allison and the baby but tells Stiles that he'll make an appointment for him and will personally hand deliver Stiles to the tattoo artist.

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