Heartbreaking and Poetic by MissDizzyD
€€€€¥¥¥¥££££€€€€¥¥¥¥££££"Isaac?!" Stiles exclaimed upon opening his door. It wasn't the fact that Isaac was on his doorstep unannounced that shocked him; it was three weeks into the summer holidays and the pack had a habit of turning up at each others' houses without warning. It was the leaves in Isaac's knotted hair and the dirt on his shirt that concerned Stiles.
"Um, can I come in?" Isaac said, looking at his sneakers. Stiles stepped back from the doorway without a word and ushered the werewolf through to the kitchen.
"What happened?" He asked, setting two glasses of water on the table and sitting on the opposite side to Isaac, who wasn't meeting his eyes. "Isaac, are you okay?" Shit was going to go down if someone had hurt Isaac. If it was Jackson again, Stiles resolved to film him singing Britney Spears in the shower and post it on YouTube. That kid needed to learn how to play nicely.
"Derek," Isaac muttered reluctantly, looking at Stiles through his eyelashes and giving him the most adorable look. Stiles probably would've melted if it weren't for the anger bubbling in his gut because Derek was responsible for this? The Alpha would get it if he'd purposefully hurt Isaac, the puppy of the pack. No one hurts Isaac - it was an unspoken rule. "I went round to see him and he kicked me out. I don't know what happened, I didn't even go inside the house and he growled at me and told me to leave so I asked what I'd done and he dragged me down the stairs and shoved me away."
Stiles moved round the table and hugged Isaac, patting his hair and glaring at the wall like it was personally to blame for upsetting the beta.
"Do you want to use the shower? I have spare clothes?" Isaac stood up and nodded, moving towards the staircase, not needing directions. "Just look through my stuff until you find something the right size." Stiles said with a reassuring smile that dissolved into an angry grimace as soon as Isaac was safely upstairs. He reached into his pocket for his phone and rang Boyd. If anyone could figure out what was eating Derek, it was Boyd and Erica. With Boyd's calm reassurances and Erica's... imaginative threats, they would get to the bottom of this and hopefully ply some sort of apology out of Derek.
The doorbell rang. Stiles was tempted to ignore it in favour of watching the last twenty minutes of The Princess Bride with Isaac, now clean and leaf-free after his shower, but guilt got to him as it rang a second time, even more insistently.
Erica looked particularly pissed off, hair matted and dirty, her lipstick smudged and her knitted sweater frayed. Her eyes were glowing yellow and she was growling in the back of her throat as she stormed into the house, ignoring Stiles as she pushed past him. Boyd was looking a bit better, eyes their normal dark brown and no bits of foliage on his clothes. He clapped Stiles on the shoulder as he followed Erica through to the lounge, where she was already sulking next to Isaac, who actually looked a bit scared.
"Erica, could you not drop bits of tree on the couch please?" Stiles teased, holding his hands up in defeat when she bared her fangs at him. "Did he kick you out, too?"
"Literally." Erica snarled, twisting her pretty face into a sneer. Boyd took her hand and she visibly relaxed. "I asked him why looked so grumpy and he snapped at me, then kicked us off the porch."
"Sorry," Stiles sighed, rubbing his hand through his hair. He was actually pretty worried, an emotion Stiles never normally linked with Derek because Derek was... Derek. He was strong and handsome and someone who definitely didn't need worrying about but... Maybe he did. Maybe he always had. That was a scary thought on its own.
Erica and Isaac argued about whether to watch Labyrinth or Fight Club until Boyd wordless put Labyrinth in the DVD player and pressed play, stopping the argument and causing Erica to preen. Stiles rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen, spinning his phone in his hand and wondering if he should just go over to Derek's himself and see what was going on. Derek may act like he hates Stiles' guts but he wouldn't physically throw him out like he had with the wolves. Sometimes being the fragile human worked to his advantage.

Sterek One Shots (boyxboy)
FanfictionMy all-time-OTP never-sinking-ship is Sterek (which is Stiles and Derek from Teen Wolf). So here are some amazing one shots that I've read off FanFiction.net and want to share with all the other Sterek shippers. -SSawesomeweirdo Disclaimer: I don'...