Shakes All Over Like A Jellyfish

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Shakes All Over Like A Jellyfish by Sushi Chi
(This is my favorite Sterek one shot in this whole book)
Deaton nodded, after hearing their tale about how Derek's pack managed to get in a battle with the faerie, "My only advice is that it sounds like you need Stiles."

"What the hell is a stiles?" Derek asked, shifting the weight on his feet, "And how will that help us against the fae?"

Deaton walked into the next room, giving no indication for Derek to follow, but Derek was used to Deaton and trailed after him. "Stiles is one of a kind." Deaton said, looking through his books, "Very old, very powerful, very knowledgeable."

"And this Stiles would help us?" Derek tilted his head. "Why?"

"All you have to do is ask him nicely." Deaton said. His voice went thoughtful as he continued, "He's lonely." He turned around then and handed him a book, "His number is in here."

"His number?" Derek's brow furrowed.

"Phone number." Deaton said with a small smile, "Stiles gave this book to me for my last birthday."

Derek opened up the cover on the first page. In a messy scrawl it read:

Happy anniversary of your appearance

Dude, I like totally have what is called a cellular phone now and it's like apps and shit, how cool is that? You should text me. That's what the kids are calling it right? Text? You should do that and tell me all about sticking your hand up animal butts.

This book is something I've had for a while and just thought you might like it. Sorry I didn't get you that awesome new thing that burns bread for your birthday. (Sorry I broke your burning bread thingy btw.)

As my hero says - TTFN Ta Ta For Now!


"Tigger is his hero?" Derek asked, seeing the number written at the bottom of the page.

"It appears so." Deaton's smile could be heard. "Give him a call, Derek. He'll help."

Derek sighed and programed the number into his phone before leaving Deaton's office. Getting into his car, he wondered if he really needed Stiles' help. He didn't have to take Deaton's advice. Because that's all it was: advice. But he needed help. Not many were known to take on the fae and win. If this 'Stiles' could help even a little bit, it could save the lives of his pack.

Swearing, he pulled over and called Stiles.

"Yo." A voice greeted.

"Is this Stiles?" Derek asked gruffly.

"Sure is." Stiles said, "And who might this be?"

"Derek Hale. I got your number from Deaton-"

"Deaton is my main man." Stiles interrupted, "Isn't he rockin'? He's so rockin'."

"Yeah," Derek agreed dryly. "Rockin'."

"So what can I help you with, Derek Hale?" Stiles purred.

Derek let out an involuntary shiver, "Deaton thought you might be able to help me with an issue."

"You bet your sweet ass I can. I mean, I'm not a hundred percent certain on if I can help, let alone if your ass is sweet, but I can probably help and you have a nice voice." Stiles said. Before Derek could say anything else, Stiles plowed on, "So I'm guessing you're in Beacon Hills?"


"Awesome. Love that place. All hilly and beacony." Stiles said, "So you want to meet up somewhere? We can go public if you want, or if it's a matter where you can't discuss your problem around the prying eyes of nosey townies there is your place." He let out a thoughtful hum, "But not everyone is comfortable with bringing strangers home when it's not about sex, or so I'm told, we could also meet up at Deaton's. Up to you Derek Hale."

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