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Dinner by ShipStethan

Derek rang the doorbell of the Stillinski residence and shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans, trying to look casual, but unable to hide a slight smile. Stiles opened the door and was pleased to see his boyfriend looking good as ever in a dark blue t-shirt and tight jeans. He was unable to keep his eyes from lighting up and his cheeks flushing with desire.

"Hey baby," Derek greeted with that shit-faced grin of his, raising his eyebrows for grand effect.

Stiles raised his arms and held them wide open with a goofy look. Derek laughed and stepped close to him, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. Stiles blushed, but his smile was pleased. He wanted more, gripping Derek's collar and pulling him in for a more heated kiss. They devoured each other's lips for about a minute, stopping when Sheriff Stillinski cleared his throat loudly.

"Oh hi dad," Stiles replied quickly, rubbing his hand across his lips awkwardly.

"Hello Sheriff," Derek greeted, losing none of his usual confidence.

"Derek," Sheriff Stillinski acknowledged him with a slight nod. "Always uh...interesting to see you."

Stiles shook his head and slapped his father playfully on the shoulder.

"Now now," he chided. "You two."

"I'm trying Stiles," his dad said with a pained look. "This is all still an adjustment for me. Derek, you being bisexual, all of it."

He said all this as though Derek weren't even present.

"Oh don't mind me," Derek commented, looking up at nothing in particular.

Stiles reached out and grabbed his boyfriend's arm giggling. Derek loved that hyper, carefree, open-mouthed smile his mate sometimes had. He was happy when Stiles was happy.

"I made us dinner," Stiles announced with pride.

"I can't wait," Derek said softly. "I know your cookies are good."

"Well just wait Sourwolf," Stiles told him beaming. "I made us a four course meal tonight."

Derek's eyes widened in surprise. Stiles did all that for him. The Sheriff watched their exchange, seemingly non-chalant about all of it, but Derek could detect a little unease. The Sheriff gave Derek a questioning glance, as though he were x-raying him, but not suspiciously. Stiles watched their expressions.

"Well we should probably go inside while its still hot," he announced loudly. "Probably. Definitely."

Derek nodded and followed his hyper boyfriend into the house and into the kitchen, his eyes taking in the banquet Stiles had set out for him. Holy cow. There was a roasted chicken, green onion and sour cream mashed potatos with melted cheese on top, macaroni salad, and piping hot fresh rolls that Derek could tell Stiles had made himself. Not those cardboard box things.

"For me?" he asked Stiles with a wide-eyed, yet pleased look.

"Yes for you," Stiles exclaimed in that obnoxious tone. "Now sit your werewolf butt down. I didn't make it just to look at."

Derek took his seat, shaking his head at his boyfriend's antics. It was one of the things that made him attractive for some weird reason- his zaney personality.

"We need to have Derek over more often," the Sheriff said with a chuckle, as he surveyed the scrumptous-looking feast.

"Yeah well, I'm still limiting your portions," Stiles told him seriously, carving the chicken. "Just looking out for ya."

The Sheriff shook his head and sighed. Stiles handed Derek his plate and watched expectantly.

"I certainly don't eat like this every day," Derek commented, scooping up mashed potatoes with his fork.

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