Thanksgiving part 2

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Will and mike was still sleeping cuddling and Nancy walked in the room and saw how cute it was but she had to wake them up before Ted came in because he still don't know about the two boys "hey guys wake up before dad come in and see you two like this" Nancy whispered causing mike to wake up "I'll just let will sleep" mike said in a sleepy yet calm voice "okay" Nancy smiled and walked out the door

Mike just thought about if he told his father about him and will he already knew his father wasn't gonna like this but Mike loved Will but Mike not gonna tell his dad cause of the things he might say to Will and will is very sensitive to some things.

Mike kissed Will on the lips causing him to wake up as well "hey beautiful" mike said while sending chills down Will spine "morning" will said smiling "hey it's thanksgiving aren't you happy" mike said causing Will to smile even more "yeah very we should go wake the others up" will said "they already up in the basement gossiping" mike said as he got up out the bed "okay I'm gonna go get ready love you" will said kissing mike cheek.

All of them met up in the basement for a lil while and started doing what they usually do Lucas was playing a bored-game with Lucas max and el was flirting with each other as usual mike was watching Will draw a picture of him and holly was down there to playing with the walkie talkie.

They day started off pretty good Joyce had hopper over and Karen was in the kitchen making dinner Joyce was helping her Jonathan and Nancy was in the Nancy room sucking each other faces off and as usual Ted was sleeping.

"So how does it look" Will asked as he held the picture up to show mike "wow you actually did good" mike said as he kissed Will forehead "aye Dustin is Steve coming over" Lucas asked Dustin "yeah he said he will be over in a hour" Dustin said smiling, Dustin and Steve really have a tight bond now and Steve is a really good babysitter "I heard he was bringing robin" Dustin said as they continued to play the game "why they just won't get together already" Lucas said "Robin is gay" Dustin said as Lucas gave him a blank expression.

Soon every one went upstairs except mike and Will they was talking and things really got interesting Mike was kissing Will down his neck and collarbone as he rest his hands around Will waist and Will had his arms around Mike neck as he was sitting on top of him "hmm mike we should go up before someone come down here" will said smiling at his adorable boyfriend "but I was really enjoying this" mike said as he poked his lips out and Will kissed him " I was enjoying it to maybe we can finish tonight" will said winking as he got off mike laps and walked upstairs.

"Took y'all long enough what was y'all doing" Ted asked "umm we was just talking" mike said "okay now I don't wanna have to slit y'all up for being gay" he chuckled causing Will to look down like noticed and held Will hand and made an "it's okay" look at him causing Will to make a sad smile.

Dinner was ready and everyone was talking and laughing max and el was talking about what Ted said it really made max feel some type of way Jonathan and Nancy was joking around and Steve had finally got there 10 minutes ago him Dustin and robin was just taking and laughing Lucas was playing with holly and mike and Will was holding hands but Ted actually saw them "aye why are y'all holding each other's hands" Ted said causing everyone to stop what they doing and look at them Will felt so embarrassed even tho everybody knew he still felt embarrassed but Mike didn't care he love will and he wasn't afraid to say it "because dad will is my boyfriend and I love him no matter what you have to say" mike said as he held on tight to Will hand causing everyone to "awww" at the same time "you should be ashamed" Ted said "well I'm not and you're the only person that didn't know everybody in this room know even holly knew" mike said "I love you to Mikey" will said as he gave the taller boy a hug "and I love max" el said as she stood up "and I love you to babe" max said to her "I have a girlfriend and I love her" robin said joining them "I'm not gay but yeah I stand with them" Dustin said "yeahhh" Lucas said as he gave Dustin a friendly hug "I'm out of here" Ted said as he left "good and don't come back cause if you expect our children you don't except us" Joyce and Karan said.

It was night time and everybody went home except Will he wanted to stay with Mike right now Mike was upstairs telling his dad that he love mike but Ted wouldn't except it so he left Will was still downstairs waiting for Mike the basement door was open Mike came back and stood in the door and just looked his boyfriend in his eyes and kissed him passionately and Will pulled Mike in and closed and locked the door.

What y'all think happened ?😙
Sorry it took so long to update I been busy as hell

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