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Mike and Will is packing because they're going to be spending time at home with their family for 2 weeks of Christmas break Mike didn't really wanna go will was excited that he's going to be seeing his brothers and mom and ofc Karen and all of his friends mike just wanna lay in the bed with his boyfriend and open gifts because if he see Lonnie he's gonna go crazy "baby do you think this is a bad idea" mike asked will "what do you mean" Will asked "going back to Hawkins" mike said "what no baby my dad isn't gonna be there I already asked my mom and why would Karen even let my dad in her house let along why would my momma want him there" mike said to his overprotective boyfriend "okay fine but if I see if I swear I'm gonna kill him" he continued "you're not gonna see him babe calm down" will said.

They had all they're bags in the car and now they are on the way to Hawkins.

Mike and Will finally made it to Hawkins they are outside of mikes house well his old house cuz he doesn't live there anymore "baby act normal" will said to mike "really I am acting normal very normal I just wanted it to be me and you" mike said but will just stood on his tippy toes and kissed his boyfriend on the lips.

They walked in and saw all their old friends even Steve and robin and robin new girlfriend "omg mike and Will" holly said as she ran up to them "heyyyy y'all" will said "where is mom" mike asked "I'm right here hun" Karen said as she grabbed Mike and pulled him in a tight hug "mom I can't breathe" mike said laughing "Heyy mom" will said to Joyce as he hugged her as well "heyyyy baby" she said and then they all said hey to each other.

The party went down to the basement where they always go "sooooo have y'all been having sex with each other" max asked out of the blue  Will looked down like he was sad or something and mike noticed but he didn't say anything to Will about it "no max we haven't had sex" mike said with a mean mug on his face  "ok ok just asking calm down frog face" max said laughing "baby chill" el said to max.

Max loved picking on mike but she took it too far this time Will wanted to have real sex with mike but he knew he couldn't because they're both boys he started having flashbacks of one of the letters his father had sent him.

Flashback letters

Hey son it's your listen I know you think you're gay and you think you're in love with that boy but you're not it's just a phase you need a girlfriend so y'all can have kids of your own you can't have kids with a boy you don't need to be a fag like him be different find a girl.

To Will
Flashback over

As Will thought about that letter he noticed he had tears running down his face "how could it be a phase when I had this feeling since kindergarten" he said to his self

He then heard his boyfriend beautiful voice that always made him melt on the inside "babe I've been looking for you" mike said as he sat down beside Will "sorry I just needed to be alone" Will said with hurt in his voice "baby stop with the excuses tell me what's really bothering you I'm your boyfriend that's what I'm here for" mike said "do you think we can like actually have kids" Will asked him "baby ofc we can we just can't have them the normal way other people do" mike said even tho that made Will feel some type of way he still hid his pain with a smile.

Mike went upstairs and saw his mom and Joyce drinking wine he was stressed because he knew Will was sad "what's wrong kid" Joyce asked "I'm sad and mad at the same time but I'm tryna be happy for Will" he said to her "well kid be happy just have fun here" Joyce said as she poured mike a glass of wine "really" mike said "yeah you is in college right" she said "yeah thanks ms. Byers" mike said.

It was finally time to eat dinner

(Btw just in case y'all confused it's not Christmas dinner just regular dinner Christmas gone be in the next chapter)

Mike was really drunk he couldn't stop talking and lord knows he was gonna say something he would regret

"Baby are you okay" will asked "oh yeah I'm amazing actually I'm very drunk right now" he said to the smaller boy "omg" will said underneath his breath

Ted was at the table along with everybody else "sooo Nancy Jonathan I heard y'all starting a family" Karen asked them "oh yes mom I'm actually pregnant right now" Nancy said smiling "omg congrats nancy" everybody said "Yeah congrats sis at least you can have your own kids and have actual sex I can't because I'm gay and I gotta boyfriend" mike said standing up "oh shit" Joyce said "babe sit" will said to mike "no and im getting sick of everyone bragging about how they gonna have kids when I can't it's unfair" mike said "well son maybe if you find you a girlfriend you wouldn't have to worry" Ted said to mike "well dad I don't want a girlfriend because I am in love with a boy named will Byers and he is beautiful and I love him weather you like it or not" mike said "well I don't except gays so leave my house" Ted said as he stood up "fine I will" mike said as he grabbed Will hand "no mike stay" Karen said "I'll be back tomorrow mom" mike said.

Max and el got up along with Robin and her girlfriend jade "where are y'all going" Joyce asked "he said he don't except gays" max said as they walked out the door "wow Ted wtf is wrong with you that's your son" Karan said "no he's gay and he is not my son" he said back "well if you can't except him then you have to leave just like you left last time you should be a shamed I let you come back and this is what you do leave right now Ted I'm not playing" Karen said yelling at him.

Will and mike got to their hotel room it was awkward silence between the two boys until mike broke it "baby I'm sorry I was drunk but that doesn't make it okay" mike said to Will "well at least you were telling the truth" will said "baby it's okay we are going to have kids someday" mike said hold will to his chest "I wish we could have sex mike" Will said "baby we can have sex" mike said with a little smirk and Will looked up at him confused "how" will asked "Like this" mike said back

Mike started kissing Will and kissing down his neck Will made a soft moan and mike started unbuttoning Will pants and they took it to the bed.

Yep bitches they had sex next chapter coming ion know when just know it's coming love you people💕💕

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