Its not working

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Mike and Will was tryna figure things out because they have been arguing way too much mike love will to death and so does Will but mike was thinking about breaking up with Will he thinks they need a break but he know it would just crush Will and he don't wanna hurt him.

"Will" mike said "hmm" Will asked as he looked up at him "I think we need time away from each other" mike said looking down "wait what" will said as his heart dropped "look we been arguing way too much and the thing I hate most in the world is arguing everyday with somebody I love the most in the world" mike explained trying not to cry "omg so that's it you don't wanna try and work things out" will said yelling "what the hell is there to work out will we argue everyday and we have been together for 3 years I'm sick of arguing with you it's getting old" mike yelled back at Will "wow fine I'll leave then" will said as he got up and grabbed his things "will look I don't want you to leave mad at me we can still be friends" mike said as he grabbed Will hand "FRIENDS? MIKE I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU" will said yelling at mike "okay whatever will just leave then" mike said.

When will got back home all he could do was cry I didn't even wanna draw he just cried all day he wanted Mike back and mike wanted him but Mike knew they couldn't be together anymore they both needed space from each other.

The next day at school was awkward the rest of their friends knew they were broken up and Will didn't make eye contact with Mike at all at school and neither did mike as bad as mike wanted to kiss Will and just hold him he didn't and Will wanted the same thing but he was too heartbroken all Will thought about was the talk they had yesterday.

It was lunch time and they always sit together and everybody met up at the table except Will he left school he couldn't sit at the same table as mike it was hard for him because he is so in love with mike.

3 months later

Mike found him a girlfriend named hailey she is a very sweet and cute girl but she was not like Will.  Mike think about every night will is jealous that Mike moved on so fast and he's just still in love with mike.

Will kept having these flashbacks of how him and mike met.

Will was outside on the swings at the playground in kindergarten lonely and bored swinging by himself until this raven haired boy came up to him asked can he sit in the swing beside Will nodded his head without looking up and mike sat down "so what's your name" mike asked "William what about yours" Will asked as he looked up "I'm Mike" he said "nice to meet you Mike" will said "can I call you will for short" mike asked "yeah sure" will smiled as he looked the boy in his eyes.

Everytime Will have those flashbacks he gets sad cause once he remember mike saying he wouldn't leave Will said for anything in the world and he did and Will felt betrayed he don't really talk to them anymore he been hanging out with Jonathan a lot lately for some odd reason.

It was 1 some at night and Will was still up and so was mike at this time Mike would be thinking about Will but he wasn't he was enjoying hailey company but deep down inside he knew he still felt something for Will.

I'm finna make these chapters a lot interesting soooo get ready !!!🦋💙

Byler🖤 Ups & DownsWhere stories live. Discover now