I just wanna hold you tight

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Mike and Will was in the room cuddling as usual they both was very bored "mike what you think people going to say at school" will asked with concern in his voice "who cares what they say their opinion doesn't matter" mike said as he pulled the smaller boy closer to him and kissed his cheek "I love you" will said in a low voice "I love you more" mike said smiling.

Will was really sleepy so he went to sleep in Mike bed while Mike was sitting on his laptop he soon got up and picked his boyfriend up bridal style and put him on his lap he watch as will cuddled into his chest and wrapped his arms around his waist mike just let him lay there.

Soon both will and mike got up and went out to the mall Mike decided to stay the night at Will house since Nancy going to stay the night to right now Mike and Will and the rest of the party members are at the mall just walking around cause they literally have nothing else to do and out the corner of will eye he see a group of kids laughing because Mike got his arms around him Will felt so embarrassed and he just ran off to the bathroom causing mike to follow behind him.

Will just ran into the bathroom and cry his eyes out he kept calling his self stupid "Will Will where are you" mike yelled until he saw his small boyfriend on the floor crying "babe what's wrong" mike asked with tears swelling in his eyes "people were laughing at us" will said with sobs "baby look at me I don't care what they think about us I love you and ik you love me so fuck them cause at the end of the day it's me and you" mike said as he look Will into the eyes "I just don't understand why they judge us" will said as he looked back down "of course they're gonna judge us it's life that's what people do judge other folks about they're sexuality and I could care less what they think about me cuz they don't know what we been through together so they can talk all they want and trust me I know it hurt but you gotta love yourself for who you are" mike said causing Will to smile a little "come on let's go home" mike said as he helped Will get up.

They walked out the bathroom and saw the group of kids laughing Mike looked at Will and smiled but will was confused "follow my lead" mike said as he faced Will  and he just kissed Will out of nowhere Will kissed back and when they both pulled away slowly they looked at the group of kids and they just made faces at them but mike just threw a finger sign and that's when el made all of their pants fall down causing all of us to laugh and Max and el kissed.

"Come on baby boy let's go" mike said as he grabbed Will hand

Soon they both got to Will house Jonathan and Nancy wasn't their yet and Joyce was at hoppers so they was there alone "mike" Will called out to mike "yeah" mike answered as he took his shirt off "thanks for doing that for me at the mall" will said as he smiled "thanks for being with me" mike said as he walked over to his boyfriend and looked him in the eyes "your welcome" Will started to blush and mike got on top of him and pinned him to the bed "I love you so much" mike said as he looked down at his small boyfriend "I love you too" will said as he turned into a tomato.

It was now dark and everybody was home mike was still in the shower and Will was drawing a picture of him and mike under a rainbow holding hands and mike got out the shower and walked in the room with his shorts and no shirt and he got in the bed and just looked at the tv "will" mike said causing Will to look at him "yeah" will said "I just wanna hold you tight" mike said as Will got up and brought the picture with him and laid in mike arms mike got the picture from Will and smiled at it "I love you" mike said smiling at his adorable boyfriend "I love you to frog face" will said smiling and soon they both bursted out laughing "whatever you love this frog face" mike said as he kissed he boyfriend forehead "yeah you're right I'm deeply in love with you and I'm not ashamed to admit I love you" will said as he cuddled into mikes chest.

Soon both mike and Will fell asleep but mike wasn't all the way sleep he opened his eyes just to see how adorable his boyfriend is "I don't know what's gonna happen in the future but as long as you in it I'm good I love you my love" mike whispered even tho Will was sleep.

Or was he...

"I hope you're in my future to I love you most" will said in a really sleepy yet cute voice, mike held on to his boyfriend like it was the last time they would see each other.

Hope y'all like this chapter imma do more chapters I know I'm updating late as hell and I'm sorry I've been really busy but imma try to get some chapters done this weekend 💙

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