chapter 17

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As a woke up the next morning I layed in my bed and stared at the ceiling,I looked over to see jade still sleeping. I slowly creeped out of the room, tip toed to the bathroom since I didn't know if anyone was up yet. I passed mom's room and heard a little noise from it so I stopped in front of the door and quietly listened

'So who's this person you keep calling me about'

' oh...'

I could tell now she was talking to michael

'Well there's this girl'

'Oh mikey got a crush'

"Ya but hold on" I heard before hearing foot prints coming towards the door. I quietly ran as fast as I could to the bathroom. I heard the door close and it was silent again. Since I was in the bathroom I decided to use it and then go back to bed. I was depressed that i didn't get to hear who the girl was but maybe that's what he wanted.


It was 830 and I got back out of bed and went down stairs to go eat some food. I saw that I was the only one down here so I just got my Cereal and went back upstairs. Once I returned to my room I shut the door quietly and sat back down on my bed. When I looked over at my phone and saw alittle light flashing, I grabbed it and saw luke texted me

L: Hey do you want to hang out at my place today?

I replied :sure

I proceeded to finish my cereal throw on some sweats and a Hodie and go down stairs to walk to Luke's.

When I arrived he answered the door in sweats,a tshirt,amd a benie.

"Please come in" he says as I walked into his house and he shuts the door behind me.

" hey so I wanted to ask you, where are we at or like what's going on between us, cause I know you said you liked me but how much and stuff like that" He asks me as I stood there slightly in shock from how front he was being

"Um... uh..." I all I could say, but looking into his crystal blue eyes I some how felt safe around him and he could treat me right

"I do like you luke,like alot,I just don't know what to do with my life right now"

"I understand" he says before I bring his face to mine and kiss him .

After a minute the kiss became more pationiate and more rough. I tangled my hands in his hair as his had rested on my thy. The next thing I knew we were stumbling into his bedroom and I had ripped his shirt off along with mine. He kissed on my neck roughly as I pulled on the hem of his boxer but before I could continue I felt pity in my stomach and i had to stop him

"What" he asked breathing heavily "what's wrong"

" I just don't feel comfortable doing this"

" oh have you never done it before"

"No its not that it's just I have a lot of stuff going on right now and.."

" katie... its ok we could just lay here if you want "

I turned my back to him as he climbed off of me and he turned my way and wrapped his arms and legs around me

" I hope your comfortable with a little spooning" he chuckles

" I think I'll survive" I chuckled back as we just layed there in peace until I fell asleep


I woke still wrapped in Luke's arms it was the first time I had ever woke up in Somebody's arms. I looked over and he was still sleeping, he looked so peaceful sleeping, but what am I going to do now if he wants me to date him but there's still calum who I wanted from the beginning, I'm so confused. I unwrap myself from luke and go to the bathroom,when I returned I layed back down and took my phone out it was 12:00. I put my phone back and layed back down facing luke. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled.

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