chapter 10

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When I woke up it was 830 and I snook into michaels room to suprise him since it was his birthday.

I opened the door to see him sleeping,he looked so peaceful.

"Happy birthday michael!!!!!"

I scream is eyes shoot open and sees me

" Oh well thanks katie"

" Yeah and I have a present for you, but you get it till dinner"

" Oh come on why tell me now then I'll be thinking of it all day"

I laugh as he gets out of bed

"The boys are Taking us to lunch and the mall for your birthday"

"Oh boy " he smirks

I walk back into my room and see that my phone was buzzing as I answer it I see it was aunt Karen or (mom I guess lol)


" hey katie is michael up yet"

" ya I just woke him up"

"Well have you told him the suprise yet"

" No I was gonna wait till dinner"

"Well can I talk to him wish him a happy birthday day"

I walk to Michael's room and hand him the phone.


At the mall i had called jade to tell her to call michael and distract him

"Hey jade ok so right this down michaels number is..."

" katie i already have his number"

" what how?!"

" he gave it to me when we were talking on skype"

" oh well call him and distract him"

As soon as I got off the phone with jade i walk back to the group and pull the others away from michael as his phone rings

"Katie where are we going" luke says

"We cant leave michael alone" ashton says

" just come here i have to tell you all a secret"

" ooo what kind of secret"

" a secret one just promise you wont tell michael ok"

" Ok " they all say

" well last week after practice my aunt told me that she adopted me"

" wow katie thats great"

" so when are you going to tell Micheal"

" tonight as a special present"

" cool" ashton says

just as we were done michael starts walking over

" hey whats going on over here"

" nothing calum says"

" wait katie you didnt"

" didnt what"

" you told them 'the secret' didnt you"

" maybe"

" dammit katie when do u get to know"


We had a good time at the mall, we played in the arcade,went to a bunch of stores and bought stuff for mikey, had lunch together but now we were going to ashtons house to go play a couple songs and then going back to our house later for dinner.


After a couple songs we were getting ready to head over to our house but luke asks if he could talk to me

Luke P.O.V

I have to tell her i cant hold it in anymore " katie .. will you go on a date with me"

A/n ;)
Hey is people afraid to vote it's ok you know. Thanks for reading let's try for 80 views on this chapter and please check out my fan page on twitter @sarah_sonjay

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