chapter 15 part 2

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Katie P.O.V

It was 9 and the party had started a bunch of people that I don't know were here I think mostly ashtons friends,I was walking through the crowd when I found calum sitting with a drink

"Oh hey katie come sit"

" Ok "  I sat next to him as he continued to drink his drink

"Are you enjoying the bonfire" he asks me

"Ya i guess It's just that I don't know anyone here"

" Well you know us and jade"

" yeah but there's like 100 people here you guys are 5"

" yeah I guess"

"Have you seen luke" he asks me

"No why"

"Well he was invited but he hasn't shown up yet"

" I don't know what to tell you cal"

" Well I'm getting another drink" he says as he gets up and walks away. So I was alone again as I looked around I saw a bunch of people dancing around the fire including ashton, jade and michael were sitting in the sand talking. I decided that I was going to go to the bathroom. After I came out I looked around at the crowd not knowing what to do next till I saw luke walking up the side street to the entrance of the bonfire. As he walked in I waved at him and he started to walk towards me

"Katie!,just the person I wanted to talk to"

" Ah oh what about"

" nothing bad" he takes my hand and we walk along the beach away from where everyone else was.

"So what did you want to talk about" I ask him while we stopped and sat down in the sand far away from the party.

"Well you know we did have that one kiss, in your room, and we went on that date"

" um..ya.. so what is it you want to talk about"

" Well did you maybe want to go to lunch or just hang out sometime"

" ya I guess, if jade spends all her time here with Micheal I won't have anyone to hang out with"

" what's with them anyway"

" I don't know I mean I knew they'd get along she is like another me but..."

We sat looking at the ocean for a while in peace even though you can here the music from here still

"Hey can I ask you one more question"


"Can I kiss you now with out any interruptions"

Giggle at him remembering the car and ashton

"I don't know there is a lot of people here"

" so"

I kissed him on the cheek before we walked back to the party

Micheal P.O.V

Jade is so pretty as I sat and talked to her on the sand

Hey so you want to go to lunch tomorrow  I asked her, she said sure.i then asked her if she wanted to leave and she said ok so we went to find katie to tell her we're leaving but she was nowhere to be found so I just told ashton to tell her when he sees her. We made our way to the car and starting to drive home.

Jades P.O.V

As michael drove us back to the house I texted katie to see where she was and she told me at the beach still but with luke, she also told me that she was going on a date with calum tomorrow night.

I  looked up at michael driving and told him that katie was going on a date with calum tomorrow night.

"Oh that's great" he says

"Do you know what that means" I ask

" what"

" If Katies going to be out we could just be at home by our selfs "

" oh ya so in stead of lunch we should do dinner"

" so like a dinner date" I tease him

" I guess you can call it that"

We both giggled as we pulled into the drive way.

Katies P.O.V

Me and luke came back to the bonfire but there was really nobody left except ashton and calum.

"Hey ash did michael and jade leave"

" oh ya he told me to tell you when I saw you since he couldn't find you"

" oh, so how am I supposed to get home"

"I'll give you a ride" calum says from the bench he was sitting at

"Thanks cal"

As we walked away to his car luke said that he would text me.

As soon as we made it back to the house

We sat in his car and he says

"So I guess I'll see you tomorrow night"

" ya tomorrow night" I smile at him

He comes up closer to me and leans in

I also lean in amd he kisses me.

I get inside the house as he drives away. Once I got inside I go up the stairs I see michael is in his room on the phone

' I know but it still needs to be kept secret I don't want to hurt anyone'

I wonder who he is always talking to on the phone at night I walk into my room and jade was on the phone.

She tell the person on the phone 'I've gotta go'

Who was that I ask her

"Oh my mom"

" oh what about"

"She just wanted to check... on me"

" Well I'm gonna go to be" I say

"Ok good night" jade says

A/n: Hey guys sorry the chapters alittle late I had 95% done yesterday and I went to finish it and it was 60% so I had to read write it all then finish but I hope you like it (q.of the day)

What's michaels big secret?

Love you all ❤ lets try for 70 views on this chapter and check out my twitter fan page @sarah_sonjay

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