Chapter 21

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I've been at Ashton's for a week now avoiding all calls and text from Jade and Michael how could they not tell me they were dating, how could SHE be Michaels secret, why was he so afraid to tell me, my train of thought was broken by Ashton's entering the room after using the bathroom, he lays down on the couch with me as my head falls straight down to his chest where I've laid while he comforts me. It was almost 2pm and Ashton and I hadn't moved just Laying on the couch together in peace, I took a quick look to see if he was at all sleeping, he was. I nudged his shoulder as his eyes fluttered open, he looks at me with his beautiful green eyes
"Hey ash" I say softly with a smile as I look up,at him from his chest where I laid
" yeah Katie" he said with a kinda raspy voice since I just woke him up
" if calum doesn't....."
" Katie! Don't think like that he's going to be fine" Ashton says interrupting me
" just let me finish" I say to him
" if....Calum doesn't wake will you always be there for me"
" oh Katie of course I will you know I will, I will do whatever I have to to keep you happy, that's how much I care about you."
" thanks ash" I say before folding back down onto his chest wrapping my arms around his waist as he puts one hand over me.
My phone starts to buzz in my pocket I take it out to see Michael name lighting the screen,
"You know you can't ignore him forever" Ashton smirks,
I can try, I say as a sarcastic remark
" come on Katie, I've know Michael for a long time now and I know the one thing he's always wanted was a sister, and now that he's got one can you imagine what he's going through knowing that he broke your heart, I think he might die if you don't answer soon."
" well for now I think he'll just have to wait" .
It was about 3 o'clock now and I decided to give Ashton some space to himself since I've been with him all week, I was going to the hospital. I sat in the same chair that was next to Calums bed like every other time I've been here, the good thing is that the cuts and bruises from the accident finally healed up ,maybe that's a sign he's getting better, he still had the scar on his torso where they did surgery on his organs that were damaged in the crash. he breathed slowly as he has always did I took his hand in mine and started to just talk to him praying that if he could hear me that he would come out of coma and we can finally be together because there's nothing worse than realizing you love someone after you may have lost them. I place a kiss on his hand before I left the hospital and headed down the road back to Ashton's. When I arrived he was making dinner and he insisted on me going to talk to Michael and Jade after we ate. So here I was back at my own door step knowing if I knocked I would have to face them. I slowly knocked and waited for someone to answer the door, It swung open a few seconds later with Michael on the inside. He immediately brang me into a hug without me having a chance to say anything
" I'm so sorry Katie, don't ever leave me again I just got you I don't want to loose you again, I sorry I should have told you." Michael continues to cry into my shoulder as I calm him down. We went inside the house and sat on the couch,we talked about his and jades relationship. He told me that he really did feel something for Jade, and doesn't want to loose the chance to get to be with her. I told him that he just needs to go for it, man up and ask out properly.
" hay Katie" he says finally looking up at me with a soft tone in his voice
" it's ok Calums going to get better I know he will" he says placing a hand on my leg.
" yea" ,I half smile " you know it has been three months today that he was in the accident, I went to see him before I came here".
" omg Katie"
I decided that I would come back but probably sleep downstairs since I may have made peace with Michael but just not ready to face Jade yet. I was packing up all my things I had over at Ashton's
" thanks ash for everything I love having a friend like you around"
" anytime Katie."
(One week later)
I was back at the house redecorating my room, I felt it needed a change, Jade and Michael were at the mall. I know by redecorating my room it could take my mind off Calum, but it wasn't helping, I had organized all of the pictures we took on my wall making me think of him more. So I went down to the hospital, I can't believe it has been a week and 3 months already I felt terrible what if he never comes back, I think the hospital only holds coma patients for up to 9months so I was feeling horrible thinking that the 9 months would run out and they would have to pull his plug I would surly loose him forever then. I entered his room as he still layed in his bed I sat up close to him and took his hand in mine, I just prayed he would wake up. After about an hour of sitting there I could see that on the machine his pulse was slowly starting to rise, I started at the screen as the number started to rise quicker along with his heart beating faster I looked over to him as his eyes started to twitch until they fully came open. He took a deep breath in almost as if he was in a panic, "Calum!" I screamed while I could feel tears of joy starting to fall down my face.
" Katie?, what... Are you doing here...... What am I doing here."
I said nothing but grabbed his face a gave him a big kiss, he was a little shaken up, " I love you calum no matter what happens I love you" I cry into his arms.
" what happen to me" he ask confused.
" well 3months ago you came over to my house to ask me out when you saw luke and I, you got so upset that you ran back out the door and got hit by a truck, you've been in a coma for the past 3months"
" woh..."
" but my answer is yes...." I say to him with a big smile on my face
"Yes? "
" yes I'll be your girlfriend no more maybes I'm all yours"
He get a big smile on his face an brings me into a kiss, it wasn't like the others we've shared there was passion. " omg I have to tell the boys they be so happy your back...... Oh they have some news for you too."
" really what kind of news" he asks excitedly
" I'm going to let Michael tell you that" I smirk dialing his number to tel, him the exciting news. Once we get Calum cleared from the hospital I excitedly run home where I told everyone to go, I open the front door dragging Calum in as I held his hand
" Calum! " everyone screams as they run to give him a big group hug.
" so what is this news Katie told me to ask you about Michael" he squeezes out as everyone hug hugging the breath out of him. They all release there grip as Michael screams
"Omg no way you have to be shitting me man" Calum says in shock
" he's not" Ashton adds in " we are leaving in 1 month"
" oh this is the best news ever" he shouts excitedly
We all went out for some celebratory pizza, and Michael told me he finally asked Jade to be his girlfriend and she said yes. I couldn't be happier knowing I can hold Calum in my arms once more

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