chapter 14

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I woke up at 8 and got ready to pick up jade I was so excited that she was coming I've missed her so much,I decided to totally suprise her in a kinda of prank so I straighten my hair and put a fake piercing on. I walk into michaels room as he was still sleeping it was 830 by now so I decided to let hike sleep alittle more.i go down stairs to the kitchen to make some breakfast,I made some eggs and toast. As I was eating I could here someone using the bathroom,michael must be up, he comes down the stairs after in just some shorts

"Good morning"say to him

" good morning" he says back but doesn't look his eyes opened yet

"So do you know what today is?"

" uh..sunday"

" no mikey it's the day that jade comes"

He stops in his tracks and looks at slightly confused


"What..wha.... did you do to your face"

" ,what do you mean," but then I remembered that I had put in a nose ring

"Oh that's fake it's just a prank on jade"

" Oh,well you scared me"

"Why you have a eyebrow piercing and green hair"

" Ya ya, so what time are we picking jade up again?"


" Ok "

Micheal then walks back up to his room and I finished my breakfast.


It was 11, "michael let's go" he has been In the bathroom for an hour now

"Hold on"

When he finally comes out he still doesn't have a shirt on but has a towel on his head. He comes out of his room about ten minutes later.

"Are you ready to go katie?"

" ya" I said tieing my shoes but when I looked at michael he hair was red

"Woh your hair is red now"

" yeah I felt like I needed to change it"

" Well ok then let's go"

We arrived at the airport just in time

'Flight 240 to Australia is now landing' the intercom ladie said

"Ok that's Jades flight she should be coming soon

Jades P.O.V

I happy to be landing I've been on this plan for 17 hours, and I couldn't wait to see katie again I've missed her,plus I get to see michael in person.

As soon I as I stepped off the plane I made my way to the terminal where katie and Micheal should be. Once I turned the corner I saw katie and started to scream I run towards her a gave her a big hug as she did the same

"Omg katie what did you do to your face"

Micheal chuckled alittle from behind

"And did you die your hair" he nods and I turn my attention back to katie

" what do you think" she says

I was speechless for a moment and then she started to laugh

"They are fake"

" oh wow katie you would do that to me"

We made out way back to their house and I followed katie up to her room, it was set up perfectly for the two of us

"Awesome room katie"

" thanks I'm so happy your here"

" me too, and you have got to tell me what has happened with you and the boys"

Katie P.O.V

The boys. I haven't even thought about luke and calum what am I going to do

" ok,well I haven't really seen them"

"Well I'm going to get some sleep"

Jade says

"Ok I think me and mikey are going to go to lunch"

" ok"

A/n: Hey guys I'm sorry that this chapter is also kinda boring and short but it will get better I promise, thank you everyone for reading the story I hope you enjoy it and comment I still need an ashton girl (sorry catie)

Don't forget to check out my other story 'not what you think' it's a luke punk fanfic

Love ya ❤

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