chapter 7

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****one week later****

It's Michael's birthday and cal still hasn't talked to me since the first time he wouldn't and the boys have been on break so we've just been hanging out at our house with them and luke and I have been spending a lot of time together and have gotten really close.

"Do you guys want to watch a movie" ashton asks coming out of the bathroom

"Yeah "


"No I need food" michael says

Luke and I just laugh

"Do you want to go out to eat first" I ask ashton

"I guess,we don't michael to turn into godzilla

"But hey where is calum,isn't he coming"?

"I don't think so he said he wanted to stay home"

"That's weird he has been acting strange lately"

"He's just being calum"


After the food we got back to the house where we all snuggled on the couch together , I was between luke and ashton and Micheal was on the other side of ashton,luke put his arm around me and I buried my head into his chest.we all fell asleep on the couch and this morning I woke up in my bed and luke was asleep on the chair in my room. I stared at him so peaceful in his chair and his eyes slowly opened

"Oh your awake" he asks

"Ya, why did you sleep in the chair"

"I wanted to make sure you were ok"

"Well you could have slept in the bed with me"

"Oh well I didn't no if you would be OK with that"

" luke. (I motion for him to sit on the bed)

He does and I turned towards him

I stare into his crystal blue eyes as he looks at me, I look down at the ground for a second and then turn back up to luke

"What's up katie"

He says with the look of concern on his face

"Can I try something?"


I look into his eyes and then down to his lips I slowly move forward and as I got got closer I could feel his hot breath hitting my neck within a second his lips were attached to mine .he froze for a second until he realized what was happening he melted into the kiss our lips moved in sync. A couple minutes later the door opens and ashton was standing there frozen with big eyes



"Um...I uh was just gonna tell you breakfast was ready."

He closes the door and I turned back to luke

"Did you mean that"


" kissing me or was it just an experiment"

I looked into his eyes as I see some tears starting to form

"I ment it"

He smiles and kissed me again

We go down stairs to be greeted by Michael and ashton eating

" Katie! how did you sleep " michael asks me

" I think better then you think " ashton smirks

"I look at him and smack his arm

"Ow what was that for?" He asked

"You know what that was for"

" so " michael says

" Oh i slept fine thanks for asking"

" don't you mean great ashton says into his orange juice"


I was going to slap his arm again but his dimples when he smiled saved him just because there to cute.


Hi guys I hope you are enjoying the story I know it's boring and a complete waste of your time but I hope someone likes it

What do you think of luke and katie?

What happened to calum?

What will ashton do?

Please comment and vote <3

Love you

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