chapter 18

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It's been 3 days since calum was hit. I haven't left his hospital bed side even though they said he is in acoma and may never wake up because of how the truck hit him. I still haven't left though. I've felt terrible this whole  thing is all my fault if I hadn't had luke come over and if calum wouldn't have shown up this would have never happened. Maybe me coming to Australia in the first place was all a big mistake even though it wasn't my choice to come. Tears ran down my face as I remember what my mom had told me while looking down at calum just lying there. The room door opens and I see ashton walk in. I immediately hug him and start crying "this is all my fault"
"Katie.... no don't say that it's not your fault.."
"Yes it is if luke hadn't came over calum would have never gotten mad and stormed out and he wouldn't in acoma in this hospital,it's all my fault" " no katie it's not.... how were you suppose to know calum was going to show up there and see you and luke"
" uh I can't even think about luke right now" I sob into ashtons shoulder " Well don't just sit here with me and I can make all your pain go away"
"How" I asked ashton as he lays down on the chair with me in his arms.
He starts to softly sing while rubbing my back

'You can say we'll be together
someday but nothing last forever
nothing stays the
same so why can't
I stop felling this way
Torn in two and I know
I shouldn't tell you but
I just can't stop thinking
of you whereveryou are'
Ashton had the most soothing voice
It made you feel as if none of this stuff has ever happened it let's you forget about the hurt.I fell asleep in ashtons arms in the chair and I woke up in a bed not mine but someones.
I sprung up from my spot and looked around to see where on earth I could be just as ashton comes through the door in sweats
"Oh hey good morning katie I can explain"
" you see after you feel asleep in my arms at the hospital, michael came in and said that you've been there for three days and that you should have the chance to sleep in a real bed so I brought you to my house so I could look over you." He explains with a sweet smile on his face
" but calum...." " katie... no its ok calums fine he's at the hospital and michael is there, he stayed the night after I brang you back here"
" but I have to be with him... what if he ..." I was cut off by ashton
"it's alright it ok Katie michael there you just lay back down and relax."
" but he needs me "
" shh it's ok" ashton says as he climbs into the bed snuggling close to comfort me"
" so katie if you don't mind me asking how did this accident come about" ashton whispers into my ear
"It's a long story that I don't think you would care to hear" I tell him
" oh no I want to hear it I'm a great listener" he insists
'Well it all started that first night we met and went out for pizza"
" wow this is a long story" ashton says as I proceeded to slap his arm
" I'm kidding" he giggles
Please continue.
After breaking down and telling him everything I could think of, even when me and luke would walk on the beach or why I trapped calum in the closet all the way up to when calum caught me and luke in my bedroom.
"So you really do love him don't you"
" who luke?"
" no calum."
"You really love calum"
" what do you mean, how can you tell" " anyone that has heard your story all the way up to wear we are now can see it. Because I have known calum and luke for almost my whole life and I can tell that when you can push away and give up a person like luke who is so understanding and sweet for calum. You must really love him."
I realize now what ashton is saying is true if luke is willing to give me up just so I can be happy he is the sweetest person in the world, and thinking back to when I had first came to Australia I realized I do love calum I live everything about him, his laugh his smile the way his hair natural curls. I love him. But now I might loose him. I buried my head into the crock of ashtons neck an begin to cry
"I don't wanna loose him, not him too"
" wait too what do you mean by too"ahston says an looks at me confused
"Micheal never told you why I moved in with him and aunt Karen"
" no katie... what happened..." he said in eyes with his bueatiful green eyes
"Well it was just a normal day in my life and I was at school when aunt Karen came an called me out.'
" Well I turns out after I was dropped off at school my parents were in Australia really bad car accident and so she had came to take me to the hospital to see them one last time."
" oh katie I'm so sorry but I know how you feel." He says, the only reason I live here with calum is because when I was younger my dad had killed my mom and then himself so I was forced to live on my own, an that is when I met calum, and luke, who later introduced me to michael"
'Omg ashton I'm so sorry"
" no It's ok I'm fine is you who I worry about Katie you deserve so much more than this"
" but ash I can see how hurt you are on the inside" I say as I clung to him tighter as I could see all single tear fall form his eyes, he had felt they same way I did but how did he hide it so well. "Hey ash how do you deal with them struggle if you always look like nothing ever I'd wrong"
" the band"
" When I'm behind the drums all of my problems seem to fade away and I can just be myself and be truly happy. I can see that same look in your eyes whenever calum is around. 
"So what about calum why was he alone"
" his family died in a fire when he was younger"

" Omg now I feel even worse about this whole thing it's all my fault"

" no katie stop saying that I will keep repeating it till you understand none of us could have guess this was going to happen"

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