chapter 8

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After breakfast we all went into ashtons car and went to practice where I knew I would see calum there he wouldn't miss a band practice

"Hey ashton you get to help me with something as payback for making fun of me and luke this morning"

"What's that"

" You get to help me by trapping calum in the closet so that I can talk to him"

"Why do you need to talk to him so bad"

" Because he has been ignoring me"

"He's just being calum even though when he skips out on stuff with us it usually means that he is in deep thought.

" what is that supposed to mean"

"Maybe he's into you"

" see luke and Micheal have said that too which is why I need to talk to him"

"Ok so how am I supposed to get him into the closet"

"I don't know use your imagination but I'm going to already be in the closet before practice ends"

Just before practice ended I told the both I had to go to the bathroom and once I got up stairs I went to hide within the closet I told ashton to trap calum in

After about 5min I hear ashton walking up the stairs with calum behind him

"I just can't reach something in the back of the closet can you get it for me"

"Your unbelievable ash"

As soon as I see the door open and calum standing in the doorway I hear ash apologize to calum before he closes the door on him

"Ash what are you doing" he yells banging on the door

"I'm sorry man"

He sits down on a box and I quietly say hi

"Katie is that you what are you doing in here"

"I'm needed to talk to you"

"Why have you been ignoring me"

"What do you mean"

"You haven't been coming over or texting me or anything I've only seen you today"

 he closes his eyes and looks down at his feet once he looks back up at me he takes a long pause and says

"Ok I have been ignoring you but only cause I.... I... I like you and a lot but I didn't think you were even into me so maybe if I just disappeared you wouldn't thing of me as much"

"  You thought if you just disappeared I would forget about you, I wouldn't have trapped you the closet if I didn't like you"

"You like me"

" ya I like you which is why I was worried about-

Just as I was going to finish my sentence calum leans over to me and kisses me stopping my words

"So does this make me your girlfriend now or something"

" Well maybe if you were to go on a date with me let's say tomorrow night"

" I would love to I say and kiss him again"


Finally calum told her how he feels now it can get exciting

Please comment on if you like it and if you want too be in the story  love you :)

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