chapter 19

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I sit in the hospital room once again sending Michael and ashton away so I could sit here in peace with calum. As I sit here I look over to calum, he looks terrible by the fact that he has bruises all along his body,and a bandage covering his abdomin where the truck hit him in the ribs. Even though the doctor says he will probably never wake up I continue to stay with him just watching him breath slowly, it kills me that he didn't get to know the truth if only luke and I weren't there and he wasn't such a dork for showing up to surprise me because he is just that nice. I wish things didn't have to be this way, I wish I could just start over this whole thing since I moved here.
(One month later)
"Katie I have great news and bad news"michael says running excitedly into my bedroom.
" what"
" Well the good news is that someone a big someone noticed our band and they want to come here to Australia and here us and maybe take us on their tour"
" Omg that incredible,wait who's the someone"
" oh you know only bloody one direction" he cheers excitedly

"What about one direction" jade says storming into the room

"My band might be going on tour with them because they noticed our music and liked us"
"Omg mikey that's great" jade says while wrapping michael in to a big hug . It got kinda awkward after that so michael tried to sneak out undetected
"Hey michael I thought you said there was bad news too" I ask as he is backing out of the room
"Well we can't preform without calum"
" oh yay" I say Michael brings me into a hug assuring that everything will be ok.
After michael tells us about the news he asks me if I would like to go gets some lunch or something with him and jade,I said no and they left. Shortly after aunt Karen came into my room and asked if I wanted to go to the mall with her before she has to leave for a trip again, I said no to her too and she left my room. I knew u had to get my mind off of calum some how so I decided to called ashton. He came and picked me up from the house and we went back to his.
"Hey what's up" he says as he looks at me with concern
" I just wanted to know if I could hang out with you today you always seem to make me feel better"
" oh of course anything for you katie, so what do you want to do"
" idk can we just watch a movie or something"
" sure"
Once we layed down on the couch I layed against his chest and he presses play on the movie, I like to spending time with ashton he makes me feel like nothing is wrong in the world and that everything will turn out ok,I fell asleep after awhile on ashton and woke up still on him, he must have fallen asleep too. So I drifted off back to sleep

Thank you everyone for reading please KEEP READING it would mean the world to me if each chapter had 100 views even though NO one reads authors notes please love the story lol thanks :)

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