Chapter 20

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❌before I start I want to dedicate this chapter to 'Amneesha' for being awsome❌
I woke up at 3am, in my own bed, Ashton must have brang me home. I look over to see jade sound asleep I heard a small noise coming from the door so I hurried to lay back down pretending to be asleep. The door shuts and I hear Michaels room door shut too, I got up slowly and creeped open the door to where the only light coming was from inside Michaels room I close up to the door to hear Ashton and Michael talking, I guess it hasn't been long that we've been here, I listened in on their conversation
'So what about this girl I keep hearing about Mikey ', your mom keeps telling me stuff'
' oh it's just that there's a girl I kinda like since I've gotten to know them'
' do you think she likes you back'
' i think so but its too hard to make it work'
' what do you mean, are you hiding from someone'
' well.... Kinda ya we've been hanging out but trying to keep any signs on the down low'
' so who are you and this girl hiding from'
' Katie'
At that point I had backed away from the door almost in ahh, why should Michael have to hide stuff from me. I slowly walked back to my room where jade still slept soundly wondering what else Michael might be keeping from me. I laid back down on my bed and turned over to face Jade, I wonder if he's even told Jade.
The next morning I go down stairs where Michael and jade were having breakfast, jade slightly jumps when she see me immediately making Michael turn around
" oh hey Katie your up"
"Oh yeah Ashton dropped you off after he said you guys were at his house"
" good to know" I said keeping the fact that I had heard their little conversation last night to myself
"Hey jade do you wanna go to the mall today and do some shopping "
"Well actually I was going to go to lunch with Michael"
"No no go with Katie you can help her keep her mind off of him"
Michael says
after spending the day with Ashton yesterday I could almost forget about calum.
"Oh ok I guess I'll go get ready" Jade says going up the stairs
When we arrived at the mall we walked around throughout all the stores we could find trying on a bunch of clothes and just enjoying ourselves.
After about an hour we went back to the house and found Michael sleeping on the couch. It was only about 3 so I told Jade I was going to go see calum and she can stay here with Michael. I arrived at the hospital and went up to the floor that Calums room was and when I got to the room I saw luke sitting there next to his bed, I haven't seen him since that day,
" oh hey Katie" , I wasn't she what to say I haven't decided how I should feel towards luke right now
"....hey" .
He stands up after a couple second and walks towards me, I didn't know what I should do so I just stood still, he brings me into a hug and starts to cry on my shoulder.
" it's all my fault he's the way he is, I knew that he liked you and that you liked him but I still went for you and..."
"Luke...... It's not your fault it's mine"
" Katie! " he says abruptly pulling us apart
"None of this is your fault it's not your fault your parents dies and you had to move to Australia, it's not your fault that calum and I liked you, your very beautiful and any guy is lucky to have you, and it's not your fault that calum is like this,it's mine. "
I brang Luke back into a hug and stayed there for a while.
" it's nobody's fault things just happen Luke,but I came to see calum"
" right well I'll talk to you later I guess"
" ok" I say as he walks out of the room leaving me and calum.
I sat down in the chair next to the bed where calum looked the same as he did the last time I was here. As he breathed slowly in his bed I layer against his arm and started to cry a little realizing that he may never wake up and that I would be loosing the love of my life

Michael P.O.V.
As I woke up from my nap I looked around the house to see if anyone was home. I went upstairs and into Katie's and Jade was in there but she looked kinda sad laying on her bed
" hay Jade is there something you look kinda down"
" I don't know how long I could keep up with this Michael "
" keep up with what"
" keeping secrets from Katie she is my best friend in the whole world I can't keep things from her"
" oh you me this"
" ya"
" I'm sorry it's just I don't what she would think if she knew that we were kinda of dating"
" well it's not really dating if you can't do anything or tell anyone, I really like you Mikey but.. "
At this point I was sitting down on the bed next to her, holding her hand.
" I'm sorry I'll tell Katie tomorrow"
" ok"
I get up to leave the room but she follows me and stops me half way to the door
Katie's P.O.V.
After sitting by calum side for about an hour I decided to walk back home, I didn't want to call anyone to pick me up I needed this time to myself.
Michael P.O.V.
" can I help you" I smile
She pulls us close to wear there is no room in between us anymore and wraps her arms around my neck
Katie P.O.V.
I was about a 1/2 of a block away from the house
Michael P.O.V.
" you know if your going to tell Katie tomorrow we can go on an actual date" Jade says while staring into my eyes, she had the deepest brown eyes I've ever seen.
" ok well then , Ms.Jade H. will you go on a date with me tomorrow night" I asked her as her arms were still around my neck and mine at her hips.
Katie P.O.V.
I was just entering the front door and I saw nobody in the living room or kitchen so I headed upstairs into my room.
Michael P.O.V.
" oh Michael yes! I would love to go on a date with you" Jade says as she has gotten ever so closer to me as our noses were about touching, I could feel her breath on my neck as I lifted her chin to bring her soft lips to mine.
Katie's P.O.V.
I walked down to the end of the hall to my room and open the door to see..... JADE AND MICHAEL KISSING !?!?!?!?! .
Michael P.O.V.
Just as soon as we had kissed the door swung open to reveal Katie with a shocked look on her face.
" Katie... I... I'm sorry I was going to tell you tomorrow." I try to studder out
" is Jade the girl you've been talking about"
" you knew"
" ya I heard yours and Ashton's conversation last night"
" but I thought you were a sleep"
" Ashton shutting the door woke me up" .
" I'm sorry... I just... " is all I could get out before she walked out the door, down the stairs,and out the front door.
"Dammit." I say as I pull Jade into a hug and cry into her shoulder
" I lost the only person I care about, my only sister."
Katie P.O.V.
I ran out the door I didn't know what to do anymore, I ran down the street, to Ashton's it was the only place I know I haven't hurt anyone or been hurt by. I knocked on his door with tears starting to stream down my face. He opens the door and immediately Hugs me knowing that it is no trouble asking what was wrong or else he wouldn't need to comfort me now. We laid on his couch until I settled down
" can I stay here with you for a few days Ashton, I just can't go back there yet, I found Jade and Michael kissing, I guess that's the special girl he's been telling everyone except me."
" of course Katie, anything for you"
"Thanks ash."

A/n: it's finally published I think is my favorite chapter so far just because it was so fun to write and that Katie kinda patched things up with luke and that she found out Jade and Michael were kinda going out. I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter sorry to say this but it was the second to last chapter I decided there's only going to be 22 chapters so not to long now, I love all of you and I can't believe its almost over I've had the best time writing this. Can you believe chapter 1 was in December wow.
What do you think will happen to calum?
What will she do about Michael and Jade ?
Will she just go back to luke in the end?
Tell what you think the answer is in the comments I love you all bye ( luke smiley face) 😁
Ps: I made a picture video about 5sos check it :

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