chapter 12

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The next morning I woke up and got a text from luke

L: so are we still on for tonight?

K:of corse

L:I'll pick you up at 8 but don't wear a dress

K:why not I wanna look pretty

L: you always look pretty,but you don't need one for wear were going

K: so what am I supposed to wear?

L: casuals



I call jade to ask her what she thinks about this whole situation.

"Hey"she says

I explain the situation to her as she looks at me in thought

"Wow how did this happen katie you never had any guys that liked you back in America and then you go to Australia and you've got 2"

" I say which ever date turns out the best"

As soon as she is done talking my door comes open and michael walks in, in his underwear and a shirt,

"Micheal I'm on skype with jade could you at least put pants on"

His face turns red as he realizes and runs to his room for pants he comes back with black skinny jeans and asks if he gets a chance to talk to jade

" yeah I guess I'm going to take a shower"



The door bell rings and I go down the stairs and open the door to see luke standing there and he ask if I'm ready to go.

We go into his car and drive to a place he won't tell me.

"Luke where are we going"

" it a suprise"

Once he stops the car we get out and we were at the beach,I follow him to a blanket on the beach were we lay thee and look at the stars.

"The stars are so pretty" I said

"But do you know what is prettier than these stars " luke says

" nothing"

" no you"

" oh luke your just the sweetest"

As we sat there I stared into his eyes which are always a bueatiful crystal blue, without any words I inched closer to him and he put his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck with in another second our faces were milimeters from eachothers I closed my eyes and leaned in we kissed for a minute before a cars lights shined on to the beach as it was passing causing us to release from each others grips. We just layed there the rest of the night continuing to look at the stars


The next morning I woke up and called jade on skype and she told me she was actually coming this week because she got it off. I screamed and Micheal came and I ask why I screamed

" jade is coming next week"

"Omg I can't wait to see her in person"

" ya you can meet her and I haven't seen her since I left"

I got off skype with jade and laid down on my bed I got my phone and started texting ashton

K: Hey

A: Hey whats up

K: do you want to hang out

A: sure where

K: we could go to the mall or just watch a movie at my place

A: katie is there something your not telling me


A: I think you should come to my house and we could talk

K: ok

A: I'll be over in 10 min

Once ashton got here we went into his car and he drove to his house.

Once were inside we watched a movie and cuddled on the couch

Ashtons P.O.V

Me and katie were laying on the couch

She was lying on my chest

"Katie" she looks up at me

" so is something bothering you"

She looked at me for a second and then said she had some decisions that she needed to make

"What kind of decision"

She said that she doesn't no if she should choose or who to choose

"What do you mean is this about calum"

Katie P.O.V

" Yes but it's different"

A: why what's wrong

K: it's just that you saw luke kiss me in my bedroom

A:yay sorry about that

K: but I've already gone on a date with calum

A: true

K: but luke asked me if he could take me on a date so I said sure.


K: what do I do

A: well I could try to talk to one of them

K: but that's the thing I don't know which one to pick because you three guys are the best guys I've ever met and I don't want to hurt you guys.

A: then just give it some time

K: you mean keep dating both!

A: well see who you have a better connection with.

K: ugh well can I stay here tonight I don't feel like going home to michael

" Ok " 

" and can we just sleep on the couch like this I don't want to sleep alone"

" I guess"

I lay back down onto ashton and fall asleep

A/n: two chapters in one day it's must be a special day lol but I did say I just didn't want them in the same chapter

What do you think Katie should do?

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